Bunun için gelen kutu incelemeleri hakkında hiçbir bilgimiz yok. Packard Landaulet 1912 (#0955) itibaren Směr.
Phil MarcheseThis kit is a fourth generation of the Hudson Miniature Series Two Lil Ol Timer from Scranton Pa. The kit probably made its way to eastern europe via Heller who in turn accquiried the REVELL GB molds. Revell issued the kit as a Highway Pioneer but not in the USA. The kit is a Packard N 18 while the Pyro is the U 30, a larger car in real life. Both the N & U had a short (S) version for the Coupes and Runabouts. My short N 18 runabout built by conversion of the SMER kit is in the auto section of ARC.
15 July 2013, 14:48