Мы не знаем об обзорах содержимого коробки Mc Donnell Douglas AH-64 Apache (#4575) от Revell.
Kevin FarrellI just opened the parts bags this afternoon and am starting it again. I just this week got my brand new Paasche airbrush kit but may practice (a lot!) before I start splashing paint on a kit. I am doing this Apache in Euro I Gray and will try to add some O.D. hi-lites by dry-brushing. Either that or I'll put on a Future coat and see if I can mist-on a mixture of O.D. and a (light) neutral gray. On most of the walk-arounds I've seen, the skins look like they came through re-entry! I guess there are no points for pretty while you are yanking & banking through the mountain passes in Ka-Boom!-istan So, I'll just probably leave it the hell alone and call it "close enough!" The poor excuse for a paint guide calls for O.D. everywhere. However, Floyd Werner says (and I'm Really paraphrasing) that O.D. on helicopters went out with Saigon. All post-'Nam helos are a shade of gray-green (
FS34031) "Army Helo Drab" - Testor's (acryl & enamel)
Regarding "fit & finish" it IS after all an old R/M kit with a long fuselage. (I think this particular kit is 20+ yrs in the box.) Get out the putty & clamps and borrow some extra clamps. The other thing I DO recall through the narco haze was the *&#^$ canopy!! I'm geared-up for a Texas cage match this time. Only one of us will walk out but we'll both be bloody. (Where's Wolverine?)
Please stay tuned and I'll let you know how the adventure plays out. And thanks for the cheering section!
p.s. My daughter told me that the Apache in my grandson's room had a failed auto rotation onto the floor. The plastic pilot let the rotor speed decay. It's in the hangar for repairs.
Kevin Farrell АвторI posted this elsewhere, but my original build was given to my grandson to hang from his ceiling. Evidently it fell from its suspension lines and the little plastic back-seater allowed the rotor speed to decay and his autorotation failed. The helo is in the hangar.
27 December 2012, 16:56