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Eduard | No. 8231 | 1:48

Boxart MiG-21MF 8231 Eduard


MiG-21MF ProfiPack
Kit complet
2011 Instrumentul nou
Cod de bare:
8591437082315 (EAN)
Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Fishbed » jeturi (avioane)


Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Fishbed

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21MF Fishbed-J
CSK Československé vojenské letectvo (Czechoslovak Air Force 1940-1993)
DD Luftstreitkräfte der NVA (East German Air Force 1956-1990)
EG القوات الجوية المصرية (Egyptian Air Force 1952-1958 & 1971-now)
PL Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Powietrznej (Polish Air Force 1990-2004)
SK Vzdušné Sily Ozbrojených Síl Slovenskej Republiky (Slovak Air Force 1993-now)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21SM Fishbed-J
SU Военно-воздушные силы СССР (Soviet Air Forces 1918-1992)

Conținutul cutiei

Sprue din plastic (Gray), Sprue din plastic (clear), Sprue din plastic (Gray), Fret fotografiat, Fret fotografiat (colored), Fret fotografiat, Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă), Foaie de mascare

Boxart proiectat de Petr Štěpánek

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Cronologie produs

AK Interactive
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Descarca 9181Kb (.pdf)

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Johan Perremans

The MiG-21MF is essentially the export version of the SM. SM's were built in Gorkiy and most - but not all - MF's were built in Moscow. The main differences are in radar and avionics and are invisible from the outside. This means Eduard's kit can be built as an SM. Matter of fact, the plastic as is simply is an SM; you will need to scribe a panel line in the upper wing halves to make it into a Moscow FM. Eduard provides a template for scribing but forgot to mention this should only be done for Moscow built MF's.
Now, hang on, because it gets confusing: a few 100 MF's were built on Gorkiy production lines in the early 1970's. Since the factory had switched to building the BIS, a number of BIS features were integrated in these late MF's: a new cockpit lay-out and some hull details. These fighters were exported only to CSSR, DDR and Bulgaria. CSSR late MF airframes In Czech service were later equiped with NATO avionics and are known as MFN.

Now, what can be built from this box?
SM: don't scribe panel lines, build OOB
Early (Moscow) MF: do scribe panel lines, build OOB
Late (Gorkiy) MF: Eduard does not mention this option but it does include a suitable cockpit instrument panel. Don't scribe panel lines, use appropriate PE part No and check references to make slight alterations to hul panels. You will need to do some filling and scribing.
MFN: same as late MF, but you will need aftermarket PE for the NATO modified cockpit instruments.

Actually the kit will also allow you to build earlier S and M versions. For S, do as SM, for M do as MF since all differences are internal.
Toate comentariile (5) » 2 7 June 2019, 11:23
Johan Perremans Autor
My pleasure, I did some studying and compiled this.
 7 June 2019, 18:48
Urban Gardini
Thanks mate! Copied and saved for future reference...
 8 June 2019, 12:53
Done! Pics to follow
26 January 2014, 15:15
Started MiG-21MF Eduard 8231
2 September 2013, 15:33


55 imagini
Mig-21MF 3. Jagdgeschwader Nationale Volksarmee, Preschen Airbase 1990View album, image #45
1:48 MiG-21MF (Eduard 8231)1:48 Air Intake, Pitots for MiG-21MF/MFN (Eduard) (Mini World A4849)1:48 MiG-21 MF/Bis/SMT pilot w/ ejection seat (Aerobonus 480 071)5+
15 imagini
Eduard 1:48 MiG-21MF C1654 golden arrowsView album, image #1
1:48 MiG-21MF (Eduard 8231)
19 imagini
MiG-21MF ProfiPack Edition EduardView album, image #1
1:48 MiG-21MF (Eduard 8231)1:48 MiG-21MF in Polish Air Force (Montex MD4801)
14 imagini
Mig-21 SM 1/48 EduardView album, image #1
Proiect: Mig-21 SM
1:48 MiG-21SM/M/MF (Fishbed-J) Pitot Tube (Master AM-48-061)1:48 MiG-21 Ladder (Eduard 48704)1:48 MiG-21MF (Eduard 8231)

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Material de referință

Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21R (MMP Books 07)
Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21R Polish Air Force
Colour & Scale No. 07
Dariusz Karnas, Artur Juszczak
Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21R (MMP Books 51)
Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21R
Single No. 51
Dariusz Karnas, Artur Juszczak

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