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In-box reviewCybermodeler

In-box reviewCybermodeler

In-box reviewPanzer Modell

In-box reviewIPMS Deutschland
Alle reviews » (11 in totaal)
Ruslan GaynutdinovHas Panda discontinued this kit, I only can find two on eBay and they are really overpriced?
Vesa-Pekka PalmuSadly, not of Tunguska, there is a meng shilka that is nice. And hopefully the upcoming zvedna tor is decent.
23 March 2021, 20:32
Palo MOoh, I missed that this is the Tunguska. Would like to build one at some point too. Shame it's such a bad model.
24 March 2021, 17:03
Alle walkarounds » (6 in totaal)