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Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15)

Dual Combo! - Limited Edition

Eduard | No. 2113 | 1:72

Boxart Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15) 2113 Eduard


Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15) Dual Combo! - Limited Edition
Full kit
2013 New tool
8591437021130 (EAN)
Rigid box (Top opener)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Fagot » Jets (Aircraft)


Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Fagot

CSK Československé vojenské letectvo (Czechoslovak Air Force 1940-1993)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis Fagot-B
CSK Československé vojenské letectvo (Czechoslovak Air Force 1940-1993)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15SB
CSK Československé vojenské letectvo (Czechoslovak Air Force 1940-1993)

Box contents

Plastic sprue (Clear), Plastic sprue (Dark gray), Photoetched fret (Multi-colored), Resin (cast) (Light gray), Resin (cast) (Dark gray), Resin (cast) (Light gray), Resin (cast) (Dark gray), Decalsheet (waterslide) (Multi-colored), Masking sheet (Yellow), Instructions (Paper) (Multi-colored)

Contents Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15) 2113 Eduard

Boxart designed by Kateřina Borecká

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In-box reviews

External reviews
In-box review
IPMS Deutschland
In-box review
IPMS Deutschland
IPMS Nymburk
IPMS Nymburk

All reviews » (10 in total)


(Scale Aircraft Modelling Volume 37, Issue 12)
Scale Aircraft Modelling | Volume 37, Issue 12
English (TOC: 11 lines)
February 2016
(Jet & Prop 2/14)
Jet & Prop | 2/14
German (TOC: 5 lines)
March-April 2014
(Scale Aviation Modeller International Volume 20 Issue 02)

All magazines » (3 in total)


Lukas .
Who deleted the 2012 version of this kit from database???
Stupidity! It was totally different tooling!
2 February 2014, 03:34
Urban Gardini
That's bad! It should be left in the database. There was even a description in the post title for this one that told the story.
 2 February 2014, 09:44
Lukas . Author
Next 10 years and same stupidity again. Someone f** database, removed original tooling kit and related PE/resin detail sets for 2012 kit.
 5 February, 19:09
Martin Oostrom
Contact Tim via @Data suggestions. He can help
 5 February, 19:17
Lukas .
detailscaleview reviews are about the second tool kit
11 November 2013, 01:09
Lukas .
Holy grail. First tool MiG-15 kit, only about 120 pieces were sold at E-day 2012 kit show. Original galvanic mould were destroyed during sprues injecton.
Sprues layout at page 5:
(Profipack 7057 from original mould was not released, boxart will be reused for second tool kit)
13 October 2013, 20:50
Lukas .
Mould will be updated again next month and minor errors removed in the next releases.
12 October 2013, 12:38
Stefan Schneider
Do you know which errors?
 12 October 2013, 13:12
Lukas . Author
CEO Vladimir Sulc wrote it. But only in czech language and my english isn't good for correct translation of all technical terms. Please try google translator:

"p?idám informaci o zm?nách, které jsme na modelu po e-dayi ud?lali:

1. Vyrobili jsme nové vlo?ky na hlavní podvozkové nohy. Byly chybn? vyfrézované, to zp?sobilo zást?ik, a malou tvarovou chybu, které si kupodivu nikdo nev?iml.

2. Stejn? jsme ud?lali nové vlo?ky na kryty p?ední podvozkové ?achty.

3. Toté? na st?ny p?ední podvozkové ?achty.

4. a toté? jsme ud?lali s p?epá?kou sacího otvoru, p?vodní díl byl nepatrn? v?t?í a p?i ?patném usazení bránil p?esné instalaci sacího otvoru.

5. p?efrézovali a znovu jsme usadili vlo?ky pro bo?nice pilotního prostoru a spodní ?ásti p?íd? s lafetou kanón?. Tím jsme se zbavili v?ech zbývajících ot?ep?, které na form? byly, proto?e tyto ?ty?i díly nebyly z?ejm? p?vodn? zcela p?esn? usazeny.

6. Bohu?el se nám nepoda?ilo, a u? asi ani nepoda?í, vylisovat pitotku jako sou?ást k?ídla, tak?e je nyní jako separátní díl, co? v prvních modelech není zohledn?no ve stavebním návodu.

Zítra je?t? vym?níme vlo?ku na seda?ku, a p?ed?láme horní poloviny k?ídla, aby to m?lo korektní reliéf hlavní podvozkové ?achty.

Omlouvám se za chyby modelu, které se dostaly do ob?hu. Kdo bude chtít ráme?ky vym?nit, samoz?ejm? mu je vym?níme. Nicmén? se do toho nehr?te, vyhlásíme na vým?nu ráme?k? n?jakou akci, abychom vám kompenzovali tyto ústrky"
 13 October 2013, 00:14
Dimitris P.K.
Release is moved to November, so they can make a repair the fuselage tool.
2 October 2012, 17:12
Lukas .
Not only repair but a new mould with changed technology. Original damaged galvanic mould will be 3D scanned to computers and new dural mould made by CNC machines. Same technology as Eduard latest kits.
Fuselage and wings sprues are confirmed as new tooling.
 2 October 2012, 21:59
Felix Troschier
Sold out at E-Day after 30 minutes...
2 October 2012, 16:44
Lukas .
Sadly i can confirm 🙁
 2 October 2012, 21:53
Lukas .
Sad news, one MiG-15bis mould was damaged:
20 September 2012, 13:48
bad news indeed 🤔
 20 September 2012, 17:24


14 images
Eduard MIG 15View album, image #1
Project: Eduard Mig 15
1:72 Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15) (Eduard 2113)
12 images
MiG-15bisSB, 3943 (What If?!)View album, image #1
Project: MiG-15
1:72 MiG-15bis (Eduard 7424)1:72 Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15) (Eduard 2113)
17 images
3 times FagotView album, image #1
Project: 3 times Fagot
1:72 MiG-15bis (Eduard 7424)1:72 Československé Patnáctky (MiG-15) (Eduard 2113)
4 images
MiG-25View album, image #1
Project: MIG 15-31
1:72 MiG-19S 'Farmer' (MisterCraft C-58)1:72 MiG-15bis (Eduard 7056)1:72 MiG-23S (Academy 12445)6+


Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis Fagot 1:72
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis Fagot
Eduard 1:72
by Andy Hartung on Modellversium
MiG-15 und Zetor Z-25 1:72
MiG-15 und Zetor Z-25
Eduard 1:72
by Andy Hartung on Modellversium

All articles » (24 in total)

Reference material

Mikoyan Gurevich UTI Mig-15 (Stratus 37)
Mikoyan Gurevich UTI Mig-15 and licence build versions
Polish Wings No. 37
Lechosław Musiałkowski
PZL Lim-1 (MMP Books 45)
PZL Lim-1
Single No. 45
Dariusz Karnas

All books » (30 in total) All walkarounds » (35 in total)