P-51B Mustang III
Trumpeter | N. 02283 | 1:32
I fatti
- Marca:
- Trumpeter
- Titolo:
- P-51B Mustang III
- Numero:
- 02283
- Scala:
- 1:32
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 2009 Nuove parti
- Codice a barre:
- 9580208022833 (EAN)
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- North American P-51 Mustang » Elica (Aereo)
North American P-51 Mustang
North American Mustang Mk.III
Royal Air Force (1918-now)
- No. 3 Sqn. s/n KH616 CV J
1944 World War 2 - Italy
RAF grey, Green camo - No. 315 (Polish) Sqn. s/n FB387 PK G (Eugene Horbaczewski)
1944 World War 2
RAF grey, Green camo
Contenuto della confezione
Plastic sprue (Clear), Plastic sprue, Fotoincisioni, Gomma, Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua)
470x290x100 mm
(18.5x11.4x3.9 inch)
1000 g (2.2 lbs)
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17 immagini
Trumpeter RAF Mustang mkIII. 1:32
Fell down a modeling rabbit hole today. I've had this kit for almost fifteen years, decided to hit it with glue. I've go...
Progetto: 1/32 Trumpeter RAF Mustang mkIII
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Materiale di riferimento
Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF [reprint]
Aircraft of the Aces N. 7
Jerry Scutts
P-51 Early Mustang Including the A-36A, P-51 & P-51A to C A Complete Guide to the USAAF’s Famous Fighter
Airframe & Miniature N. 6
Richard A. Franks
2024 Tutti i libri » (213 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (21 in totale)