M901 Launching Station & AN/MPQ-53 Radar set of MIM-104
Patriot SAM System (PAC-2)
Trumpeter | N. 01022 | 1:35
I fatti
- Marca:
- Trumpeter
- Titolo:
- M901 Launching Station & AN/MPQ-53 Radar set of MIM-104 Patriot SAM System (PAC-2)
- Numero:
- 01022
- Scala:
- 1:35
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 2015 Nuovo stampo
- Codice a barre:
- 9580208010229 (EAN)
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- MIM-104 Patriot » Missili terra-aria (Missili)
Contenuto della confezione
Plastic sprue, Fotoincisioni, Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua)
610x360x110 mm
(24x14.2x4.3 inch)
2143 g (4.72 lbs)
Boxart disegnato da Vincent Wai
AFV Club
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Revisione DutchModeling
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Bad News Guys! This set will now ONLY include the TWO different trailers! The Patriot system AND the Radar trailer NOT the M983 HEMTT Tractor! That's going to be sold as a separate model! See Trumpeter's website, The boxtop Artwork has now been changed and does not feature the M983 Tractor on the trailer box! 🙁
Bad News Guys! This set will now ONLY include the TWO different trailers! The Patriot system AND the Radar trailer NOT the M983 HEMTT Tractor! That's going to be sold as a separate model! See Trumpeter's website, The boxtop Artwork has now been changed and does not feature the M983 Tractor on the trailer box! 🙁
Tutti i commenti (8) » 12 October 2015, 16:13
Yea, It's quite a setup! Generator Truck (should be pretty easy to scratch up some generators) There's also a comms? truck and the other radar/microwave link? unit. I'm glad there in desert sand scheme now, be a lot easier to blast out that scheme with the "air blower" 🙂
Yea, It's quite a setup! Generator Truck (should be pretty easy to scratch up some generators) There's also a comms? truck and the other radar/microwave link? unit. I'm glad there in desert sand scheme now, be a lot easier to blast out that scheme with the "air blower" 🙂
8 November 2015, 23:27
Materiale di riferimento
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