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Russian Tank T-34/76

1943 Production Model

Tamiya | N. MM159 | 1:35

Boxart T-34/76 MM159 Tamiya

I fatti

Russian Tank T-34/76 1943 Production Model
MM159 (Anche elencato come 59|3559|35059)
Kit completo
Messo in commercio:
1975 Nuove parti
Codice a barre:
4950344993208 (EAN)
Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
T-34 » Carri armati (Veicoli)



T-34/76 Model 1943
SU Красная армия (Soviet Red Army 1918-1946)

Contenuto della confezione

Plastic sprue, Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua), Metallo, Vinile

290x190x50 mm (11.4x7.5x2 inch)

370 g (0.82 lbs)


Storia completa »


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No partner shops available

Recensioni in-box

Revisioni esterne
Annuncio pubblicitario
Revisione John Moore's Scale Model's
Revisione Stuart's Scale models.

Tutte le recensioni » (7 in totale)


(Pro Model 2007/2)
Pro Model | 2007/2
Hungarian (TOC: 8 lines)
May 2007
(FineScale Modeler Volume 11 Issue 3)
FineScale Modeler | Volume 11 Issue 3
English (TOC: 23 lines)
March 1993


Jens Andrée
First kit I built in over 30 years and I used this as a practise kit. The goal was always to bang it up and leave it as a burned out carcass and to use it in a diorama with a German tank. 6 weeks later and another 9 tanks on the desk I think I can say that I'm hooked 😉
I will upload pictures when things have been organised and I feel it's "done".
Tutti i commenti (15) » 4 July 2017, 01:10
Jens Andrée
Thanks again for all of your kind words!!! 🙂

Scale modelling so far is making me feel happy, and I get to "tinker" and use my brain and my creativity, so I'm not at all surprised that there's more than a few here who discovered this whilst recovering from injury/trauma/PTS etc. I'm going to talk to my doctors about this so they can recommend it to other people in the future!

I've been recommended to use isopropanol instead of cellulose thinner but I need to find a cheaper source first because the isopropanol I've got at home is for PCB cleaning - and it's rather expensive what I've got. I'll try to order a 1 litre bottle of some cheaper stuff and try because isopropanol smells a lot less than cellulose thinner for sure. Thanks for reminding me!
I did try medical grade ethanol when I first bought the airbrush 6 weeks ago but it didn't play well with Tamiyas paints. Not for me anyway. It was only 70% and some of the other 30% could be the culprit though so it could do with some further investigation?!
Isopropanol is something I use for my electronics tinkering so that's something I need anyway, and it that works it'd be great!

And yes, it certainly seems I've caught a serious form of modelling fever! 😛

Cheers guys!
 7 July 2017, 23:07
Rui S
Glad to help in anyway, mate.
I really hope cheaper iso will help you get your painting work on the way 👍
 8 July 2017, 09:20


23 immagini
T-34/76 1943 - redoView album, image #12
1:35 T-34/76 (Tamiya MM159)1:35 T-34/76 (Friulmodel ATL-38)
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1:35 T-34/76 (Tamiya MM159)
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1:35 AAVP7A1 (Tamiya 35159)1:35 JS3 Stalin (Tamiya 35211)1:35 KV-II GIGANT (Tamiya 35063)20+
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Progetto: T-34/76
1:35 T-34/76 (Tamiya MM159)1:35 Russian 76,2mm F-34 tank Barrel for T-34/76 model 1941-43 (Tamiya) (Aber 35L-034)1:35 Tank Crew Figures (Academy 1371)


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T-34/76 1943
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T-34/85 1:35
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Tutti gli articoli » (57 in totale)

Materiale di riferimento

T-34 (Canfora 3)
T-34 Development & First Combat
Red Machines N. 3
Igor Zheltov, Alexey Makarov
T-34 Shock (Fonthill Media )
T-34 Shock The Soviet Legend In Pictures
Francis Pulham, Will Kerrs

Tutti i libri » (62 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (321 in totale)