Westland Sea King HAS.1/HAS.5/HU.5
Airfix | N. A11006 | 1:48
I fatti
- Marca:
- Airfix
- Titolo:
- Westland Sea King HAS.1/HAS.5/HU.5
- Numero:
- A11006
- Scala:
- 1:48
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 2023 Nuovo stampo
- Codice a barre:
- 5063129001018 (EAN)
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- Sikorsky S-61 » Elicotteri (Aereo)
Sikorsky S-61
Westland Sea King HAS Mk.1
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (1937-now)
- No. 826 NAS XV666 / E-44
1970 Cold War - RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall
Westland Sea King HAS Mk.5
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (1937-now)
- No. 814 NAS XV666 / CU-72
1990 Cold War - RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall
Westland Sea King HU Mk.5
HeliOperations UK
- XV666
2022 - RNAS Portland, Dorset
BS381C:629 BS381C:557
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (1937-now)
- No. 771 NAS XV666 / CU-23
1988 Cold War - RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall
BS381C:629 BS381C:538
Contenuto della confezione
450x250x90 mm
(17.7x9.8x3.5 inch)
943 g (2.08 lbs)
Boxart disegnato da Adam Tooby
Duke Hawkins
Scaricare 7850Kb (.pdf)
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If this is nearly as good as their 1/72 kit I need to have some of those! 🙂
If this is nearly as good as their 1/72 kit I need to have some of those! 🙂
Tutti i commenti (5) » 2 25 July 2023, 15:17
Does anybody know why Airfix seems to be unable to deliver this kit to continantal europe?
See above, all retailers are gone red, and PLASTMODEL, where I ordered mine like 1 or 2 month ago just canceled the order, "reasons beyond their control".
I do not blame them, but whats the problem?
Does anybody know why Airfix seems to be unable to deliver this kit to continantal europe?
See above, all retailers are gone red, and PLASTMODEL, where I ordered mine like 1 or 2 month ago just canceled the order, "reasons beyond their control".
I do not blame them, but whats the problem?
27 October 2023, 18:01
299 immagini
Westland Seaking Mk41 German Navy 89+63 (50 Jahre)1:48
In the last week I actually managed to instal all the parts without mess, breakdowns and disasters on the fuselage.
Materiale di riferimento
Sikorsky SH-3D "Sea King" Museo de la Aviación Naval - Instituto Aeronaval
Aeronaval N. 4
Jorge F. Núñez Padín
TBC Sea King Flying with the Air Forces & Navies Around the World
Aircraft in Detail N. 035
Robert Pied, Nicolas Deboeck, Peter Anthoni
2024 Tutti i libri » (24 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (35 in totale)