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Calvin GiffordI certainly hope they come out with the two-seater & Growler versions soon!!
5 13 May 2021, 20:19
seen as the fuselage is cut out, there will be the two-seater version
I hope that the squadron decals will be the vfa 2 and 103
21 May 2021, 17:58
JuskifoI hope too ?
maybe for the release of the movie Maverick; history of restarting the machine?
21 May 2021, 22:41
Gareth BurgeWhat's the best 1/48 twin-seater variant...wanting to make a Jolly Rogers Hornet I saw in 2017 visiting the UK, but was a twin seater
2 17 December 2020, 08:10
Soeren R.At tthe moment - Hasegawa
17 December 2020, 08:23
Gareth Burge AuteurThanks Soeren...that's if you can find one! Also been looking for the Academy version, seems to be non-existent tho...
17 December 2020, 17:20
Soeren R.Well Ive one for sale, but sadly shipping from Germany
to the UK will kill every deal
17 December 2020, 17:31
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