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J R (Warthoglover)

3rd Fallschirmjäger Division + King Tiger Henschel Production Ardennes 1944
Tank 007, SS 501 Ardennes Offensive


Tank Commander SS Oberstrumnbanufuere Heinz von Westernhagen Panzer 007 in the Ardennes, with 3rd Fallschirmjager Div (Paratroopers) I ran across the picture that seems to be the inspiration for the Dragon figures in “Panzer Battalion 501” on page 83. This picture also includes a motorcycle and rider behind the Tiger. I decided this would be a good way to display the tank is a small diorama

The kit was built out of the box. I also added some Revell figures for the tank grey, and an Italeri BMW motorcycle and rider It was finished with Vallejo Air German dark yellow, dark red and dark yellow freehand with an airbrush, the contrasting dots were applied by hand using a small rod dipped in paint. The paratroop figures were finished using and overall coat of German field gray and the camouflage of red, green, tan applied to their jackets and some helmets again with the rod. The SS tank crew were given a base of black. All the figures had details added via brush in the appropriate colors. The figures were then dry brushed using sky grey. The tank and figures were furthered weathered with a Flory dark grime.

I displayed the model on a Airfix Diorama base (Strong Point) of a battle damaged village.


3rd Fallschirmjäger Division + King Tiger Henschel Production Ardennes 1944 Part 1
Dragon 1:72
7361 2008 新零件 多主题 (2)
German Motorcycles WWII
Italeri 1:72
6121 2014 新的盒子 多主题 (2)


18 图片
Tank 007 In the ArdennesView album, image #1
The recreation
1:72 3rd Fallschirmjäger Division + King Tiger Henschel Production Ardennes 1944 (Dragon 7361)1:72 German Motorcycles (Italeri 6121)


1 15 February, 04:52