Hercules build
January 3, 2022right side of CH-01 latest livery2
January 3, 2022left side of CH-01 latest livery3
January 3, 2022tail decoration left
January 3, 2022tail decoration right5
January 15, 2022decal design started6
January 15, 2022Arduino and transistor array tested7
January 15, 2022left navigation light test and motor position8
January 15, 2022motor run test9
January 15, 2022arduino and array position in the cargo bay10
May 16, 20223D printed antennas etc. for the Belgian Hercules11
May 16, 20223D printed sponson with APU unit12
July 1, 2022white primer applied13
July 1, 2022interior side walls glued14
July 1, 202215
July 7, 2022wiring the left wing16
July 7, 2022and closing the centrepart17
September 20, 2022Decals applied before assembly18
September 20, 2022wing wiring connected19
September 20, 2022test of arduino program20
September 20, 2022one engine started21
September 20, 2022engines 1, 2 and 3 started22
September 27, 2022fuselage assembled with circuit inside. Everything seems to work as planned23
September 27, 2022Powerbank in cargo compartment24
September 27, 2022cargo doors closed temporarely25
October 3, 2022model practically finished as shown on IPMS Belgium 2022 gathering26
October 3, 2022model practically finished as shown on IPMS Belgium 2022 gathering
17 February 2025, 14:25 -
Album info
something has gone wrong with my album, so I remade it