F-4 K Royal Navy Phantom Revell Retro-Modelling

More retro-modelling. I'll build this basic vintage kit as much as I would have done in the late seventies, i.e. Humbrol enamels, brush painted, no putty and no wet-sanding.

Yes , indeed ,,, a lot of self-control , but I did a Su-7 and kind of liked it. Parts break-down is rather ackward. I'll try to avoid visible seams by careful checking fit and using files. Let's see how it turns out.

will you even use the decals from the seventies?😉 or are you going to replace them.

Decals seem to be in rather good ,,,, let's see what happens when decalling starts ,,,,,

Cool stuff and idea ! 👍
For the decal sheet, maybe few days taped on a window would help to make the yellow to vanish...

I love those vintage kits, so I'll follow this one. I have to admit the interior is not so bad for such an old kit 🙂

Whoa! The cockpit actually has a tub with consoles! The Airfix Phantom of that age didn't have any...

Łukasz and Maciej , you're right ... for such a vintage kit , the cockpit is quiete good .... it also includes a pilot (with control stiick) and a weapons operator .... I'll post some pictures later on

Patrick ... those "knobs" are the burner cans ,,, yesterday they gote some paint on them .... more pictures toi follow

Yes ,,, upper fuselage fit is quite good ... Wings to fuselage fit is not so good ..... Some more work has been done

Of course , raised panel lnes.... I,ve just painted some parts in gloss deep blue enamel.... I didn't rememenber it took so long to dry......I'll try to post some pics this afternoon

Retro-modeling is a nice concept, very rewarding while also very relaxing. The challenge is to resist any temptation to "improve" the kit 😛

Thaks Burkhard , I couldn't have been more precise. Another good point is trying to use old modelling techniques.

Man... I have two of that kit. One of them is this one: !Revell F-4K Phantom II - H4340 | Album by Jetcommando ; the other will also be retrofitted. Good luck

how long did you left them in the window? Martin Oostrom said that he got quite good results after a couple of months (you should get it soon there😉 )

Spanjaard ,,,, oups .... I've put the decals on the window just one week

Julian, ponlas el tiempo que haga falta hasta que dejen de estar amarillentas o hasta que el amarilleo desaparezca en gran medida. Yo las he llegado a poner hasta un mes o más, y ahora con el sol del verano la eficacia es mayor, XD
Si tienes ventanas con diferente orientación, cambia las calcas de ventana, según vaya avanzando el sol (si no, procura ponerlas en una ventana donde dé el sol más tiempo que en las otras). Esto acelerará el proceso 😉
Otra cosa... Mejor si las pones fuera de esa bolsa para que los rayos de sol lleguen mejor. Las pones con la cara de la emulsión para afuera y las sujetas con celo desde la otra cara.
Perdón por no poner este comentario en inglés, pero lo hablo mal y me lleva mucho tiempo traducir.

Cuajete is suggesting ways of placing the decals to get as much sun as possible. better without the bag, and just taped to the glas.

@Spanjaard: Thanks for the translation. On one hand the longer time at the window makes it more probable to lose the yellow color, but on the other hand sometimes it's the glue that's yellow (or whatever what is placed between the film and the paper). I found out that sometimes keeping it bit longer in water (upon decalling of course) helps to get rid of the glue, but there's a higher risk of brittling then...

So ,,, I did it all wrong .... inside a plastic bag for just one week .... good t know for my next retro-project

Spanjaard, thanks for the quick translate 😉
It would have taken me time to do it, correcting the bad translations of the Google translator.
Julian, I will wait your next retro-project 🙂

In fact it was finished some time back in 2018 ... but today I noticed that the finished model pictures were missing

And you made us wait so long? 😛 Nice. Love that retro builds 👍
Album info
This is my proposal for fighting against Advanced Modeller Syndrome :
I enjoyed very much my retro Su-7 ... here you can check it :
So I've just taken another vintage kit from my stash and started another retro-project. This kit is very very old (1965 moulds) : basic cockpit, no wheel well details, rotating wheels, and of course , raised panel lines and lots of rivets.. I'm building it as much as I would have done in the early seventies, i.e. brush painted with Humbrol enamels, no putty and no wet-sanding. Internal details will be painted with acrylics ,,, I don't want to spend a lot of money on Humbrol tins. 😉
Let's see how it turns out ....
Decalling has been done .... Old decals have been resotred with Micro Decal Film, but I've not been able to get rid of the "yellowing" of the film.
Now calling it done