Fujimi Ju-87B-2
August 24, 2016model as it arrived2
August 24, 2016added nose pieces and one horizontal stabilizer3
September 9, 2016both Stukas primed4
September 9, 2016shot RLM76 on the bottoms5
September 9, 2016masked and painted the yellow wing tips6
October 1, 2016top base coat of RLM71 sprayed on7
October 1, 2016masked wings and horizontal stabs for RLM708
October 1, 2016outer wing panel masks off9
October 1, 2016left side mostly masked10
October 1, 2016right side camo masked11
October 2, 201612
October 9, 2016Quickboost prop assembled13
October 9, 2016painted yellow fuselage band14
October 14, 2016canopies sprayed RLM7015
October 23, 2016glossed16
October 23, 2016top national insignia on17
October 23, 2016bottom decals18
October 29, 2016right side decals19
November 10, 2016starboard swastika on20
November 26, 201621
December 31, 2016dive brakes on22
January 2, 2017right view23
January 2, 2017front view24
January 2, 2017rear view25
January 2, 2017on the shelf
21 February 2025, 16:19 -
Album info
Obtained from another modeler