Minicraft/Hasegawa F-105B Thunderchief
May 23, 2016wings assembled2
May 23, 2016parts3
May 24, 2016wings and splitter plates in both fuselage halves4
May 27, 2016fuselage buttoned up5
May 28, 2016primed6
May 31, 2016wings and tail sprayed in MM aluminum7
June 2, 20168
June 6, 20169
June 8, 201610
June 9, 2016cockpit interior area painted11
June 9, 2016wheel wells repainted MM dark gull gray12
June 11, 2016wheels on13
June 12, 2016first decals14
June 13, 2016some decals added on the left side15
June 27, 201616
June 27, 201617
June 27, 201618
June 27, 201619
June 27, 201620
June 27, 201621
June 27, 201622
June 28, 2016decals almost done23
June 30, 2016MM semi gloss lacquer sprayed on all top surfaces24
July 6, 2016Bullpups and one under wing tank on25
July 7, 2016left side final26
July 7, 2016right side final27
July 7, 2016bottom28
July 7, 2016on the shelf
17 February 2025, 17:15 -
Project info
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