18. Militärmodellbauausstellung im Panzermuseum Munster
1 7 June 2014, 16:51

👍 da wäre ich auch gerne mal vorbei gekommen... 😭 Danke für die Bilder!
7 June 2014, 17:08

bei dem Wetter ist das schönste Bild, irgendwie, das im Freien 😉 ein Hefe und ein Eis dabei , den Grill noch in die Ecke gebaut 😄 danke für die Bilder , absolut interessant 👍
7 June 2014, 17:58

Big and small armor coming together...it looks like you guys had fun!
7 June 2014, 20:46

Does anyone know the name of this mobile missile launcher please ?
As I have a remote control one that fires missiles and I never realised it was a scale subject until I saw this photo (Number 42)
18. Militärmodellbauausstellung im Panzermuseum Munster | Album by Sir Grobian
7 June 2014, 20:53

@choppa: I think it is called MRLS (multple rocket launch system )which was introduced at the german army under the designation MARS
7 June 2014, 21:48

Cheers Christian,
thanks for satiating my curiosity 🙂
I always thought it looked kinda Russian or Chinese but German it is...
found this link on it, interesting read
7 June 2014, 22:07

Thanks for sharing Gerald, beautiful pictures 👍 and a SUPER location!
8 June 2014, 07:18

Nice! Thanks for sharing, Gerald! Indeed it does look like a good show! 👍
8 June 2014, 14:57
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Der erste Tag mit 30 Grad ist Geschafft ...