F-100D/F Super Sabres
RDAF 1960-1969 (natural metal)
Stoppel Decals | 货号: 72166 | 1:72

- 2x Decalsheet (waterslide) Stencils + markings (1960-69) (with 2 decals | multi-color) 查看
- 1x Paper Illustration 1 of G-733 (730 Sqn.) in 1965 (with 1 paper | multi-color) Printed by Aircraft, Ole Rossel Architect MAA MDD Designed by Ole Rossel 查看
- 1x Paper Illustration 2 of G-733 (730 Sqn.) in 1965 (with 1 paper | multi-color) Printed by Aircraft, Ole Rossel Architect MAA MDD Designed by Ole Rossel 查看
By Søren Thuesen12 September 2019 at 21:26:00
Here is my first look at the F-100D/F Super Sabres 72166 from Stoppel Decals (201x).
Decalsheet (waterslide) | Damage | Thickness | Excess carrier | Color register | Detail level |
Stencils + markings (1960-69) Multi-color | No opinion | Thin | Negligible | Perfectly in register | Very high |