我们并没有任何关于此套件的开盒测评 '25 Ford 5 Window Tall T (#72196) 从 Lindberg.
Lilac Araline Interestingly, the "new parts" in this kit seemingly consist entirely of an added sprue from the AMT 34 Ford Pickup tooling that Lindberg had purchased and rereleased. I bought this kit sealed in the plastic and it comes with an entire chrome tree that exactly matches the one from that 34 pickup tooling. Including the entirely chrome Thunderbird engine, which the Lindberg instructions mention that you could use but would have to do some cutting to make it fit. Very unusual.
15 November 2022, 09:58
Phil Marchese I think this is a much older tooling. I got one in a junk lot from the Sixties that seems to be the same basic tool.