Tony May 作者Mr. Mackenzie, you mean about what Gustav Pt.2 was including? Thanks for pointing that out! I got half my wish, didn't I? I can't help but do a Hartmann machine from each of the Gustav sets, they're just too iconic! I'll probably do Maggiore Mario Bellagambi's machine for the G-14. As for the G-5 from Gustav Pt.1? I'm REALLY torn on that choice. I like the simplicity & scoreboard of Maj. Walther Dahl but I'm also enamored with that awesome paint scheme sported by Ofw. Hans-Werner Gross's G-5 too. I like that we'll be getting a beautiful Bf-109K out of Eduard but I'm still left wondering. Will they skip the G-10, because I'm really hoping to build a Russian Liberation Army bird from one of these awesome kits! Since they did one in 1/48 though I think I'll get my wish. It's just that I'll have to buy it separate like the K.
5 March 2024, 11:55
Tony May 作者Thanks Mr Meyner, we'd talked about that above, but thank you for illustrating the point! I'm already looking forward to snagging that set even if it's slowing down the aftermarkets I need to build upcoming projects.
Mr. Mackenzie, I know, right? Decisions! What to build, what paint scheme to choose, what nationality do I prefer, do I go with something unique or do I go with something famous? I seriously thought that Gustav Pt. 2 would either be a G-10 & G-14 OR that they might slip a G-12 in with the G-14. (I'm waiting for an AZ Model G-12 & S to arrive from a seller in Poland as I type these words; I didn't even know the S existed before AZ Model released it.)
Either way the late G-6 was a conservative decision & although I was initially disappointed I've gotten over it. They're different enough to warrant having one of each, in my humble opinion. I'd have tons of conversions lined up for this, that & the other thing; Therefore if I can get a G-10 without having to commit to surgery I'd be much happier. 😉 For reference what would you recommend doing to create a G-10 out of the existing/known planned Eduard kits to result in a G-10?
I didn't even notice the cannon pods under the wings of that 109K; Dang it, Eduard, what are you thinking?! Maybe it'll be a K-4/K-6 kit, with options for both? Perhaps they'll be two separate boxings? Who knows! Needless to say I just want the 109K-4 so I can let go of the scratch building necessitated by the old Heller kit.
I haven't yet set up the project but I need to set up a project for my Messerschmitts. It will be called, Messerschmitt Madness!; With the subtitle of "A Spring of 'Bfff," Spit Takes!" I'll need that to figure out all the necessary goodies the project will need. At present I know that there are at least 22 Messerschmitts in that batch not including one or two that will be built among other Condor Legion or Night Fighter build projects.
Furthermore if we don't get the K-4 we want there's always the option of doctoring it & adopting aftermarket markings. I just can't see Eduard missing out on the opportunity to sell more kits which they did include in their 1/48 lineup.
7 March 2024, 11:27