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Alec K (Pardubak)

Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat WIP


28 February 2025, 02:01 -

Album info

The Academy kit, based on the ancient Frog kit, is fairly crude by today's standards but can still be made (I think) into a fairly good model. Major issue is the fuselage width (it's too wide) and nothing can be done about that. The windows in the lower fuselage are not tall enough (easy fix). There is really no cockpit interior and the canopy is also not right (rounded on bottom edge).

I added the Aires resin cockpit (designed for the Hasegawa kit, needed some modifications due to differences in fuselage size), Quickboost engine and SBS prop with wheels. I also used a vacuform canopy, a combination of Clear-Vax wind screen and self made sliding section. I scratched the wheel bay and landing gear.

Link to the gallery album: scalemates.com/profi..bums&album=72708

115 зображення
1:72 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat (Academy/Minicraft 1650)1:72 US Navy World War II (Falcon 1)1:72 F4F-4 Wildcat cockpit set (Aires 7054)1:72 F4F-4 Wildcat - Engine (Quickboost QB 72 518)1:72 F4F-4 Wildcat propeller set + wheels (SBS Model 72041)1:72 Grumman F4F Wildcat (Print Scale 72-384)1:72 Seatbelts USN WWII fighters STEEL (Eduard 73042)
Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat
US US Navy (1794-now)
VGF-29 29-GF-10
Листопад 1942 World War 2»Operation Torch - USS Santee (CVE-29) MA

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