Mil Mi-2 - Polish Medical Air Rescue - - WiPПереглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список 1May 13, 2018first version of interior 2May 13, 2018first version of interior 3May 14, 2018changed ceiling 4May 14, 2018changed ceiling 5May 14, 2018changed ceiling 6May 14, 2018changed ceiling 7June 19, 2018fitting & first painting 8June 19, 2018fitting & first painting 9June 19, 2018fitting & first painting 10June 26, 2018pilots' chairs 11June 26, 2018stretcher 12July 12, 2018some equipment added: oxygen bottle & respirator 13July 12, 2018some equipment added: rucksack 14July 12, 2018some equipment added: suction unit 15July 12, 2018what will be visible 😄 16July 14, 2018some equipment added: defibrillator 17July 14, 2018some equipment added: bags 18August 12, 2018a few attempts to create a cockpit panel (from left to right) 19August 12, 2018right additional fuel tank (trying on) 20August 12, 2018right additional fuel tank 21August 19, 2018antenna & wires to wheels 22August 19, 2018pale antenna & pilot steps 23August 19, 2018pilot & cargo cabin steps 24August 27, 2018first colors 25August 27, 2018first colors 26September 25, 2018main rotor blades (from Intech kit) 27October 17, 2018decals and wash 28October 17, 2018decals and wash 29October 19, 2018masks removed; final montage started 🙂 30October 21, 2018head of main rotor 31October 21, 2018almost finished 🙂 32October 23, 2018wiper, mirror, dust and... thats all! Rest in new album 🙂 Коментарі2 February 2025, 09:57 - Project infoMil Mi-2 - Polish Medical Air Rescue54 зображення1:72Завершені1+Усі альбомиПереглянути всі альбоми »