Hurricane H-33 diorama Переглянути: Слайд-шоу Мозаїка Список 1 October 21, 2016
2 3 October 27, 2016
hurricane under construction
4 October 27, 2016
damaged underside
5 October 27, 2016
1930's civiilan truck claimed by the army
6 November 7, 2016
Civil truck , requested by the Belgian Army
7 November 7, 2016
The Ctroen 11CV of the mayor
8 9 November 17, 2016
rescue team
10 November 17, 2016
11 November 17, 2016
ground track
12 13 14 15 Коментарі 28 February 2025, 00:01 -
Album info Diorama representing Belgian Hurricane emergency landing in 1940. New Airfix Hurricane kit, ACiE Ctroen 11CV in Belgian civil disguise, First at War truck modified to represent a 1930's civil truck requested by the Army,
15 зображення
Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Militair Vliegwezen-Aéronautique Militaire (Belgian Air Force 1925-1940) 2 Esc. Stingers, I Groupe, 2 Rég. d'Aéro H-33 1940 - Schaffen
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