Italeri Mistel 1Görünüm: Slayt gösterisi Mozaik Liste 1February 23, 2016parts in box 2February 23, 2016starting Ju-88 "bomb" assembly 3February 25, 2016one wing and horizontal stab on, other wing assembled 4February 25, 2016Ju-88 portion all flying surfaces together 5February 25, 2016Me-109 tail and prop 6March 4, 2016109 rudder on 7March 4, 2016starting wing assembly 8March 8, 2016puttying wing seams 9March 12, 2016main landing gear 10March 12, 2016sprayed RLM02 on gear and other parts 11March 12, 2016109 fuselage buttoned up and tail on 12March 13, 2016one nacelle on 13March 13, 2016both nacelles on 14March 13, 2016wing on the 109. BIG gaps to fill. 15March 16, 2016first step of filling the trenches, rod styrene cut to size and secured with Tamiya Extra Thin 16March 18, 2016filling seams 17March 19, 2016cowls added 18March 22, 2016Me-109 top sanded and primed 19March 22, 2016Ju-88 nacelle seams puttied 20March 31, 2016109 bottom primed 21April 2, 2016Added the horizontal stabs to the 109 22April 3, 2016Ju-88 on wheels 23April 3, 2016tucked in for the 109 24April 15, 2016bottom sprayed RLM63 25April 15, 2016bottom sprayed RLM63 26April 16, 2016RLM62 base coat on Ju-88 27April 16, 2016RLM82 on top of the 109 28April 18, 2016masked the wings and tailplanes for the splinter scheme 29April 18, 2016sprayed RLM82 in the appropriate areas 30April 18, 2016with the tape removed 31April 21, 2016RLM63 touched up on the sides 32April 21, 2016dark gull gray on the wings for the splinter scheme 33April 21, 2016Ju-88 props and spinners black 34April 28, 2016intake on 35April 28, 2016top fuselage camo 36April 28, 2016Bf-109F-4 glossed 37April 28, 2016Ju-88 glossed 38May 1, 2016Bf-109F first decals 39May 1, 2016Ju-88 top decals 40May 1, 2016Bf-109F left side 41May 1, 2016Ju-88 left side 42May 1, 2016Bf-109F right side decals 43May 1, 2016Ju-88 bottom decals 44May 8, 2016109 bottom decals 45May 9, 2016adding supports 46May 21, 2016supports painted 47May 31, 2016Bf-109 atop the Ju-88 48May 31, 2016on the shelf Yorumlar2 January 2025, 22:15 - Project infoMistel 1 Ju88A-4 with Bf-109F48 Görüntüler1:72TamamlananJunkers Ju 88 A-4 Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)Erpr.Gr. Red 41944 World War 2RLM70 RLM71 RLM65 Tüm albümlerTüm albümleri görüntüle »