Eastern Express Hansa-Brandenberg W.29Görünüm: Slayt gösterisi Mozaik Liste 1January 16, 2014in box shot 2January 16, 2014main sprue 3January 16, 2014wing with stick, rudder pedals, and seat 4January 17, 2014 5January 17, 2014 6January 20, 2014 7January 22, 2014fuselage together 8January 22, 2014horizontal tail on 9January 22, 2014wings, rudder, and radiator on 10January 29, 2014working on floats 11February 13, 2014 12February 28, 2014start of painting 13March 13, 2014more paint 14March 14, 2014all painted and top surfaces glossed 15March 16, 2014bottom glossed 16March 18, 2014lozenge camo decals on top 17March 21, 2014decals continue 18March 28, 2014bottom decals 19April 9, 2014decals done touch up painting 20April 9, 2014front of radiator painted 21April 14, 2014clear flat over top 22April 20, 2014front guns added 23April 20, 2014 24May 5, 2014scarf ring attached 25May 7, 2014attempting to repair float trusses 26May 9, 2014flex mount machine gun on 27May 9, 2014float truss repairs continue 28May 12, 2014float trusses complete and prop on 29May 15, 2014on floats 30May 18, 2014had floats on backwards before, so I reattached them 31May 21, 2014painted floats drying 32June 13, 2014float truss scratchbuild 33June 26, 2014scratchbuild progress 34June 30, 2014scratchbuild almost complete 35July 2, 2014as good as it will get 36July 6, 2014on shelf Yorumlar 1 16 January 2014, 03:08Gordon SørensenI have the Pegasus version of the W.29. Neat little airplane. 16 January 2014, 13:03Wim van der LuijtWWI! Very significant in 2014.....I'll be following this one 16 January 2014, 13:09Project infoHansa-Brandb. W.29 German fighter floatplane36 Görüntüler1:72TamamlananHansa-Brandenburg W.29 Marinefliegerkorps (Imperial German Navy Air Service 1912-1918)2532Eylül 1918 World War 1 Tüm albümlerTüm albümleri görüntüle »