EME 2023 Lingen Bronze Edition
21 9 March 2023, 19:09
Bernhard Schrock
Hi Spanjaard, indeed these are the models for EME 2023 plus OA-4M. Yesterday I tested the set up in my living room and noticed that it's not perfect. Because of that I added the Skyhawk.
Hi Spanjaard, indeed these are the models for EME 2023 plus OA-4M. Yesterday I tested the set up in my living room and noticed that it's not perfect. Because of that I added the Skyhawk.
15 March 2023, 20:51
Bernhard Schrock
One of the highlights of the first day was a meeting of some SCM mates in front of my booth. Finally, 6 people, 5 different nations and a great conversation. Of course in English...
I never really learned that language…
One of the highlights of the first day was a meeting of some SCM mates in front of my booth. Finally, 6 people, 5 different nations and a great conversation. Of course in English...
I never really learned that language…
26 March 2023, 07:53
Martin Oostrom
It was a great day, meeting with ScaleMates Royalty: Bernhard, Christian & Lode. You guys are in the top 0.5%, and I got to meet you!
And despite you never learning the language, we understood each other really well
It was a great day, meeting with ScaleMates Royalty: Bernhard, Christian & Lode. You guys are in the top 0.5%, and I got to meet you!
And despite you never learning the language, we understood each other really well
26 March 2023, 10:02
is these printed? where i can get it? i have a project involvin a section of an aicraaftcarrier thast so awesome
is these printed? where i can get it? i have a project involvin a section of an aicraaftcarrier thast so awesome
4 July 2024, 07:33
Harry Eder
The carrier deck section and the "Tilly" are home made by "US navy scale art" (Facebook) in scale 1:48.
The carrier deck section and the "Tilly" are home made by "US navy scale art" (Facebook) in scale 1:48.
4 July 2024, 09:26
Missed this the first time around. Thanks for the photos Bernhard, some outstanding models on display.
Missed this the first time around. Thanks for the photos Bernhard, some outstanding models on display.
4 July 2024, 10:15
these is incredible outstanding!! just cant believe it it has every rivet
these is incredible outstanding!! just cant believe it it has every rivet
4 July 2024, 10:21
Album info
I'm very happy to visit this year finally EME in Lingen.