Me 209V4
2 31 December 2019, 09:44
Roland Sachsenhofer
....and here is the second Me 209, ready for it´s RLM 02 surface color!
....and here is the second Me 209, ready for it´s RLM 02 surface color!
4 January 2020, 20:30
Roland Sachsenhofer
Two new pics of this nearly finished V4 in its fictitious propaganda markings
Two new pics of this nearly finished V4 in its fictitious propaganda markings
9 January 2020, 20:13
Roland Sachsenhofer
At last finished! These Special Hobby kits are two really fair offers to focus on the beautiful goal of presenting this record baby in 1/72nd scale!
Some extra work has been gained in the thin sanding of the wheel fairings, also the pulling of brake cables was a detailing step. But I am especially proud of the more or less flush sanding of the cockpit fairing!
I hope you like the pictures of these two V-planes!
At last finished! These Special Hobby kits are two really fair offers to focus on the beautiful goal of presenting this record baby in 1/72nd scale!
Some extra work has been gained in the thin sanding of the wheel fairings, also the pulling of brake cables was a detailing step. But I am especially proud of the more or less flush sanding of the cockpit fairing!
I hope you like the pictures of these two V-planes!
11 January 2020, 15:12
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you mates! The Me 209 has been designed as record braking racers to win the world speed record- in which it succeeded. Despite being considered as a new Luftwaffen- fighter, the installation of military equipment slowed the Me 209 down to the level of the Bf 109, so these plans were finally abandoned. For propaganda purposes the V4 received a fictitious squadron identification - including a snake! - to give the impression that the Me 209 actually was the new fighter.
So no military use, but a world record held until 1989!
Thank you mates! The Me 209 has been designed as record braking racers to win the world speed record- in which it succeeded. Despite being considered as a new Luftwaffen- fighter, the installation of military equipment slowed the Me 209 down to the level of the Bf 109, so these plans were finally abandoned. For propaganda purposes the V4 received a fictitious squadron identification - including a snake! - to give the impression that the Me 209 actually was the new fighter.
So no military use, but a world record held until 1989!
12 January 2020, 06:25
Roland Sachsenhofer
Gladly! Often the stories in which the aircraft are embedded are no less fascinating than their appearance
Gladly! Often the stories in which the aircraft are embedded are no less fascinating than their appearance
12 January 2020, 08:30
Hanno Kleinecke
Beautiful twins Roland ! Super NMF, and the "propaganda - bogus"version looks great as well !
( Und im Unterschied zu mir hast Du die Bremszylinder auch an der richtigen Stelle angebracht ! 🙂 )
Beautiful twins Roland ! Super NMF, and the "propaganda - bogus"version looks great as well !
( Und im Unterschied zu mir hast Du die Bremszylinder auch an der richtigen Stelle angebracht ! 🙂 )
12 January 2020, 20:20
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Hanno! Das mit den Bremszylindern war mir nicht bewusst 🙂
But your 209´s legs are really nice and slim, I couldn't do that!
Dafür hat die Deine echt schön schlanke Beine, das habe ich nicht so gut hinbekommen.
Thank you Hanno! Das mit den Bremszylindern war mir nicht bewusst 🙂
But your 209´s legs are really nice and slim, I couldn't do that!
Dafür hat die Deine echt schön schlanke Beine, das habe ich nicht so gut hinbekommen.
13 January 2020, 09:44