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IA-58 Pucara

Gran Ltd. | No. 7240 | 1:72

Boxart IA-58 Pucara 7240 Gran Ltd.


Gran Ltd. (Voka-Грань)
IA-58 Pucara
Целовита макета
2006 Нови алат
FMA IA-58 Pucara » Пропелери (Летелице)


FMA IA-58 Pucara

FMA IA-58A Pucara
AR Fuerza Aérea Argentina (Argentine Air Force 1945-now)
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)

Садржај кутије

Пластична смрека (Light gray), Пластична смрека (Clear), Пластична смрека (Light gray), Децалсхеет (водени тобоган) (Multi-colored), Упутства (папир) (Black & white)

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Gran Ltd.
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In-box рецензије

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Није нам позната ни једна In-box рецензија за ово IA-58 Pucara (#7240) од Gran Ltd..


Mike Blackwell
I had a chance to pick up one of these kits for free. I turned it down. 🙂 The mold halves were so misaligned that all the cylindrical objects had an S-shaped cross section. Some of the parts were so badly distorted I couldn't determine what the correct shapes should have been.
21 August 2022, 05:01
I am reminded of the 1:48 Sepecat Jaguar from Kitty Hawk, The big fuselage parts were warped. So I asked KH for a spare part of the left or right big fuselage part, and the replacement was warped as well. :| Fixable, but not ideal.
 21 August 2022, 05:14
What a coincidence you mentioning the KH Jaguar... I picked one up yesterday at my LHS. It was sitting on the bargain shelf for about a 3rd what the retail New open box, sealed spues, mint, etc. I thought it secular that such a nice kit was on the shelf. I haven't unsealed it to check things out but now I know it has some problems that I will eventually have to contend with 🤪
 21 August 2022, 05:34

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