Twin YaK-130 in progressvyhliadka: Prezentácia Mozaika zoznam 1February 19, 2018Twin boxes 2February 19, 2018Twin inside 3February 19, 2018need to sand off pyrocord!! 4February 19, 2018need to sand off pyrocord!! 5February 19, 2018Need to scribe some panel lines! 6February 19, 2018Need to scribe some panel lines! 7February 19, 2018Starting to make air intake 8February 19, 2018PyroCord sanded! need to polish 9February 19, 2018Ready cockpits - ready to paint 10February 19, 2018Pre-build intakes 11February 19, 2018Pre-build intakess 12February 19, 2018 13February 19, 2018 14February 19, 2018Almost halves 15February 19, 2018Ready to primer 16February 19, 2018First paint 17February 19, 2018Seats in black base 18February 19, 2018Cocpits in light blue base 19February 19, 2018Painted dashboards 20February 19, 2018Ready dashboards 21February 19, 2018 22February 19, 2018Painted cocpits 23February 19, 2018Weapon's heap🙂 24February 19, 2018Panel lines scribed!! 25February 19, 2018Panel lines scribed in close view!! 26February 19, 2018Main gears. try to make lights. 27February 20, 2018Preparing for inside priming 28February 20, 2018Main gear in place 29February 20, 2018Front gear 30February 20, 2018landing gear doors 31February 20, 2018Assembled and detached landing gears 32February 20, 2018ready cockpit 33February 20, 2018In plack inside primer 34February 21, 2018Ready to paint intakes inside 35February 21, 2018Start to assembly 36February 21, 2018Fuselages 37February 21, 2018Ready + some putty 38February 21, 2018Ready + some putty 39February 21, 2018Ready + some putty 40February 21, 2018Ready + some putty 41February 21, 2018Cockpit 42February 21, 2018Gears 43February 21, 2018Fuel tanks. Tail thinned 44February 21, 2018Comparison of the tails 45February 26, 2018ready for paint 46February 26, 2018ready for paint 47February 26, 2018in primer 48February 26, 2018in primer 49February 26, 2018in primer 50February 26, 2018Black canopy 51February 26, 2018Ligth blue bottom 52February 26, 2018Rotate after dry 53February 26, 2018Ready for top 54February 26, 2018Top in base - light blue 55February 26, 2018Bottom in light white-grey 56February 26, 2018Rotate after dry + masking bottom 57February 26, 2018Rotate after dry + masking bottom 58February 26, 2018Patafix worms for second grey 59February 26, 2018worms + masks 60February 26, 2018Grey added 61February 26, 2018Patafix worms for second light green 62February 26, 2018worms + masks 63February 26, 2018light green added 64February 26, 2018masked for third color - blue 65February 26, 2018masked for third color - green 66February 26, 2018third color blue 67February 26, 2018third color green 68February 26, 2018Base camo paint ready! 69February 26, 2018So much trash from so little planes! 70February 26, 2018Blue one almost ready 71February 26, 2018Green one almost ready 72February 26, 2018Both in base camo 73February 26, 2018Both in base camo 74February 27, 2018weapons pre ready for clear and wash 75February 27, 2018Some parts painted on spures 76February 27, 2018All little parts painted. In glossy clear. Ready for panel lines. 77February 27, 2018All little parts painted. In glossy clear. Ready for panel lines. 78February 27, 2018All little parts painted. In glossy clear. Ready for panel lines. 79February 27, 2018Almost ready weapons. Washed. 80February 27, 2018washed gears 81February 27, 2018Blue with panel lines 82February 27, 2018Blue with panel lines 83February 27, 2018Green with panel lines 84February 27, 2018Green with panel lines 85February 27, 2018Both in glossy. Waiting for satin🙂 86February 28, 2018Rrrrrrockets! 87February 27, 2018Both in glossy. Waiting for satin🙂 88February 27, 2018Both in glossy. Waiting for satin🙂 89February 28, 2018All for green 90February 28, 2018All for blue 91February 28, 2018Main gear green 92February 28, 2018Main gear blue 93February 28, 2018Prepared for finishing spurt 94March 12, 2018 Komentáre13 January 2025, 12:22 - Project infoAngry brids228 snímky1:72dokončenýVšetky albumyZobraziť všetky albumy »