Novo Fairey Fireflyvyhliadka: Prezentácia Mozaika zoznam 1August 24, 2016model as it arrived to me 2September 9, 2016replacement tail hook 3September 9, 2016primed 4September 9, 2016 5September 9, 2016wing root seams filled 6October 1, 2016top base coat of dark slate gray added 7October 1, 2016extra dark sea gray added 8October 1, 2016top glossed 9October 1, 2016bottom glossed 10October 2, 2016started decals 11October 2, 2016left side decals 12October 3, 2016bottom decals and gear struts 13October 3, 2016right side decals 14October 9, 2016wheels added 15October 11, 2016outside of gear doors and prop spinner sprayed 16October 11, 2016canopies attached and sprayed extra dark sea gray 17October 14, 2016interior surface of main gear doors sprayed 18October 23, 2016canopies attached and antenna mast 19October 23, 2016canopy masking off left view 20October 23, 2016right view 21October 23, 2016on the shelf Komentáre24 August 2016, 03:37Gordon SørensenI have this kit too. Good job Ed! 1 October 2016, 21:34Album infoObtained from another modelerFairey Firefly Mk.I21 snímky1:72dokončenýVšetky albumyZobraziť všetky albumy »