Belgian Alpha Jets KP/ ASK
May 6, 2022The ASK kit with the decals, those of SYHART are more complete. The sprues are from KP2
May 6, 2022The second ASK kit with its decals.3
May 6, 2022The wings need some sanding and putty filling4
May 6, 2022The tail too needs clean up and sanding, no location pins, careful matching is required5
May 6, 2022The undercarriage bay with my replacement 3D printed legs6
May 6, 2022There is an ugly gap at the cockpit bay. To be filled with plastic card7
May 6, 2022Carefull trimming is required to match upper and lower fuselage8
May 11, 2022cockpit installed with PJ ejection seats (MB mk10) and extra details. Put some weight below the cockpit floor to avoid a tail sitter. Canopy added9
May 24, 2022Second attempt : pink/magenta primer as undercoat for yellow. This time I will paint the wings and fuselage before the final assembly10
May 24, 2022This is what it should be11
May 30, 2022or this...12
May 24, 2022The yellow seems OK (Lifecolor UA140)13
May 27, 2022masking for the black parts14
May 27, 2022some damage when removing the masks15
May 27, 2022damage repaired and red areas painted, nose strikes in PE16
June 2, 2022frontview17
June 2, 2022top18
June 2, 2022side19
June 2, 2022bottom20
July 15, 2022next decoration : AT-05 7sqn 50 years21
July 15, 2022I got this bottom view through the Beauvechain museum :
July 15, 2022wings and fuselage painted separately23
July 15, 2022my "home made" decals24
July 15, 2022"gold" lines applied25
July 27, 2022The decals need some corrections. I will have to reprint and them and redo it26
July 27, 2022bottom view : still some corrections needed27
August 3, 2022AT-03 or AT-25 in 1994-1996 special colours28
August 3, 2022decal preparation29
August 3, 2022partly assembled and white coat applied30
August 4, 2022painting and decalling progress31
August 24, 2022model almost finished, some corrections needed for the decals ( to reprint32
August 24, 2022the next one : AT31 special livery for 45 years 7 sqn33
August 24, 2022masking made for red on white : first use of Abteilung 502 Liquid mask , apparently much easier to use than Maskol34
October 25, 2022Red and white applied35
October 25, 2022cockpit detail with 3d parts36
October 25, 2022decal with lines37
October 25, 2022top view38
October 25, 20223 special Ajets at Plastic & Steel 2022 exhibition39
October 25, 2022AT-31 in 1995 special livery 45 years 7 sqn, right side40
October 25, 2022AT-31 in 1995 special livery, left side41
October 25, 2022and bottom view42
October 25, 2022teh next one = AT18 in 1999 livery 20 years service in 11 sqn43
November 11, 2022final result , difficult build, I can't do better44
November 11, 2022"gold" paint is not a succes45
November 11, 2022top view
16 February 2025, 22:36 -
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more Belgian Alpha Jets