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Robert Podkoński (podkon)

Easy (and simple) Ones


142 23 October 2021, 17:43
Nice collection, Robert 👍
 23 October 2021, 19:51
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you very much, Cuajete 😉
 23 October 2021, 19:53
Every one is a little gem Robert. 👍 I think the T-bird is my fav.
 23 October 2021, 20:17
Robert Podkoński Автор
You are too kind, Mark, thank you 🙂
 23 October 2021, 20:19
Bruce Huxtable
That's a great way to always have space for just one more in your evolving collection 👍 Your friends and their children most be pleased as punch to have such lovely momentos of their visits. I bet your generosity is kick-starting new modellers' hobies 🙂👍
 23 October 2021, 20:37
Alec K
Great idea to have built models on hand as giveaways, to infect a new generation 😄 👍
 23 October 2021, 22:08
James C
Nice looking builds 👍
 23 October 2021, 23:26
Rui S
Beautiful collection 👍
 24 October 2021, 02:20
Peter G
Oh that is beeee-youuuu-tiful!
 24 October 2021, 02:33
Peter G
I just started modeling in January 2021 and am enjoying how the more models you complete the less precious each becomes which permits more experimentation and play.
 24 October 2021, 02:34
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you all, Mates, for your kind words.
@Bruce: In fact, one of these boys now assembles Zvezda 1/100 snap-fit tanks himself, and is eager to try more complex kits 🙂
 24 October 2021, 10:04
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool. Love these kits too. Let me guess why my Komet is the same set and 'camo'? 😉
 24 October 2021, 11:28
Robert Podkoński Автор
Hmm...difficult question it is, Łukasz 😄
 24 October 2021, 15:02
Mike Siemers
Nice collection. Really like the Claude and the Gladiator.
 24 October 2021, 15:08
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks a lot, Mike 🙂
 24 October 2021, 15:15
Mike Siemers
Also good job getting the kids interested, we need more modelers. Can anyone remember those days of innocence when this was mainly a kids hobby, and you would get a new kit with your allowance, and build the kit in a weekend, and not a bunch of middle aged men spending hundreds of dollars, and weeks and months just building one kit
 24 October 2021, 15:26
Bruce Huxtable
I can certainly remember trying to clean enamel paint off a cheap brush, on newspaper, and having no idea that thinners or brush cleaner even existed! So many memories of every single kit built 🙂👍
 24 October 2021, 15:47
Simon Nagorsnik
Yes, nice collection full of beauties!
 24 October 2021, 15:57
Robert Podkoński Автор
@Mike and Bruce - that's why from time to time I just need to assemble some kit not taking care about (too much) detailing and weathering, etc. 😉
 24 October 2021, 17:12
Bernd Grün
Nice build, Robert. A good replica of that yellow wing flyer. Cheers!
 24 October 2021, 17:26
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you very much, Bernd 🙂
 24 October 2021, 17:28
Your 'easy ones' build collection is kind like what I am doing with low-cost 1:72 kits to try out different techniques. Most of your builds are on my agenda. 👍
 24 October 2021, 17:41
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very nice collection, Robert! 👍
 24 October 2021, 17:44
Guy Rump
Lovely collection Robert 👍
 24 October 2021, 17:53
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you all, Mates, very appreciated 🙂
 24 October 2021, 19:59
Alex K
... and kudos for the latest addition, that lovely (and a personal favorite of mine) SG-38/Eton... 👍 👍 😉
 9 May 2023, 18:33
Lovely filigree glider 👍
 9 May 2023, 18:50
Robert Podkoński Автор
I am happy you like it, Mates. Thank you for your kind words!
 9 May 2023, 19:59
Bruce Huxtable
Such a pleasure to look through your beautifully presented album, Robert.
 9 May 2023, 20:10
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Bruce! You're too kind...
 10 May 2023, 04:36
Bernd Grün
Very nice, Robert! Like them all! 👍😎👍
 10 May 2023, 06:26
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks (again), Bernd 🙂
 10 May 2023, 11:55
Bartłomiej Rusiecki
This glider is especially important to me because it reminds me of my childhood when my father made a flying version of it. You've done a very good job with it.
 10 May 2023, 16:37
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you very much, Bartłomiej 🙂
 10 May 2023, 17:03
Nice ones!
 19 May 2023, 06:57
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks, Neuling, I feel honoured!
 19 May 2023, 07:30
Andy Ball
I heartily endorse this approach!...what a good way to have a diversion and some experimentation...we scientists do it all the time, and it should be applicable to model making!
Excellent standards too!- despite the fact they're 'shake and bakes'...
 27 July 2023, 09:06
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Andy, you're too kind!
 27 July 2023, 12:51
A very nice collection with a building philosophy that inspires.
Great work!
 28 July 2023, 09:45
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you J35J, much appreciated 😉
 28 July 2023, 10:08
Simon Nagorsnik
REally nice Leo!! Good work Robert!
How was the assembly and quality of the kit?
I plan to do the same, only in the version of the Austrian Armed Forces;)
 28 July 2023, 14:23
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Simon, I feel honoured by your praise 🙂 The kit is simplicity itself, can be assembled in no time. Fit is just perfect - it is almost a snap-fit kit.
 28 July 2023, 15:59
Simon Nagorsnik
Thanks Robert, good to know 😁
 28 July 2023, 16:32
Henry Ch.
Very nice collection#
 28 July 2023, 16:41
Robert Podkoński Автор
You're welcome, Simon, all my pleasure 😉 Thanks, Henry 🙂
 28 July 2023, 19:21
Kyriakos Vafiadis
A really beautiful collection! You reminded me my childhood, when me and my uncle visited his good friend, he always had a nice little gift to give me. He was mainly worked with matchbox 1:76 kits. Thanks for sharing!
 30 July 2023, 07:54
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks for taking a look and your kind words, Kyriakos 🙂
 30 July 2023, 11:31
Isaac Kite
Stunning presentation on the A5M. You've done the old workhorse proud.
 6 October 2023, 18:18
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks for dropping in, Isaac 🙂
 6 October 2023, 18:49
Jan Peters
Nice collection of tryouts Robert, I had somehow missed this album before?
 28 October 2023, 12:16
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks, Jan 🙂 I just upload here photos of the newly finished kit from time to time...
 28 October 2023, 12:40
Łukasz Gliński
Nicely done, what are your impressions of that Mazur printout?
 28 October 2023, 19:40
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks, Łukasz, much appreciated 😉 Generally, printing is quite good - no visible layers and the level of detail is awesome (due to this I lost the tiny rear-view mirror to my carpet monster at the stage of removing the technological supports - I just did not notice it... On the other hand, a few technological supports touch the sides of the cabin - you can easily spot their remains - practically impossible to remove for me. Also the tarpaulin supports and benches are printed together in situ, what makes cleaning the whole compartment a bit difficult. (Of course, one could substitute these supports with pieces of wire... 😉 ). Tracks, wheels and their supports are printed as whole units as well. No transparencies, no decals, of course... Recommended! 😉
 29 October 2023, 20:10
Łukasz Gliński
Sound similarly to my Jelcz 😄 Thx a mil
 29 October 2023, 20:32
Łukasz Gliński
That Mustang looks familiar, show us the undersides! 😛
 24 November 2023, 11:04
Robert Podkoński Автор
"mirror mirror on the wall...what the heck has gone 😉"
 24 November 2023, 14:20
Nice work Robert! 🙂 I like the ethos behind the builds also 👍
 24 November 2023, 14:22
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks Neil, much appreciated!
 24 November 2023, 14:23
Marcin Dudek
Cool Leopard... or two 😆 The whole collecrion is very nice 👏👍
 23 December 2023, 15:50
very nice collection (and idea), love it
 5 January 2024, 17:08
Peter G
Quick and fun! I'm loving it.
 5 January 2024, 17:23
Robert Podkoński Автор
Hi there Spanjaard and Peter! Thanks!
 5 January 2024, 18:27
Bernd Grün
Very nice collection, Robert. Congrats mate! 👍👌👍
 5 January 2024, 20:16
Mark Sherwood
A very impressive lineup Robert and I agree about the MiG 3. 🤘🥸🤟
 5 January 2024, 21:51
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks Bernd and Mark, much appreciated 🙂
 6 January 2024, 09:17
Patryk S.
Very nice collection you have there Mate!
 6 January 2024, 11:41
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks Patryk! 😉
 6 January 2024, 14:40
Jennifer Franklin
That is a lovely collection, Robert; nice work!
 24 February 2024, 15:02
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Jennifer 🙂
 24 February 2024, 15:21
hey Robert, very nice compilation and there are also a few really rarely seen models.
I also saw the trouble with the decals on the beautiful Buffalo.
I'm excited to see what else ends up on your table👍
 17 March 2024, 15:14
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks for your kind words, Marko!
 17 March 2024, 15:42
Kyriakos Vafiadis
beautiful additions!
 17 March 2024, 18:11
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Kyriakos! You've inspired me to finish the MiG-15 in USAF markings 😉
 17 March 2024, 20:33
Very nice inspirational collection. I enjoy browsing through the album. 👍👍
The model in photo 21 and 22, is this a Peugeot Char 1918 37mm tank in 1/72 scale ?
 15 April 2024, 08:38
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Bohrmann, much appreciated. Yes, it is Peugeot Char (3d printed kit from Polish company: Peugeot Char 1918 37mm (Play..hnology) IDA-PMI0139B, 1:72))

 15 April 2024, 14:01
Łukasz Gliński
What scale is that cool ornithopter?
 11 June 2024, 10:06
Robert Podkoński Автор
It is a "Box scale" item, Łukasz 😉 No info on the box - some Mates here described it as 1:144 scale model...
 11 June 2024, 11:21
Alec K
Nice Dune subject Robert 👍
 11 June 2024, 12:39
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Alec. I am not the fan of the story, but I needed to build something quick & easy...
 11 June 2024, 16:38
Ben M
A char leger Peugeot 1919!
 11 June 2024, 16:54
Robert Podkoński Автор
Indeed, Ben 🙂
 11 June 2024, 17:02
Nice! I really like the Naleszkiewicz JN-1 tailless glider.
(Yes, I did have to look in your 'completed kits' to find out what it is. 😳 )
 6 December 2024, 11:56
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Gorby! (I suppose most of modellers from Poland would not know it either 😉 )
 6 December 2024, 12:39
Łukasz Gliński
The glider is really cool, recommended?
 6 December 2024, 13:03
that is certainly a unique model... i am sure gorby is already thinking about getting one already 😉
 6 December 2024, 13:05
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, that glider is...something. Cool collection 👍
 6 December 2024, 13:32
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you all, Mates, for your kind words, I feel honoured 🙂
@Łukasz - on the one hand, this is quite a well-designed and detailed kit, and you even get pre-cut masks for the cabin transparencies. On the other hand - the whole cabin/fuselage part is made of transparent plastic, what makes fitting and glueing the interior parts a bit troublesome. Joining both halves together is tricky too, as the glue must be strong (and there is a risk of fogging when you use a CA glue). Decals have extensive carrier film, are very thin, and grab the surface immediately with almost no chance to correct the placement. Final verdict: recommended 😄
 6 December 2024, 13:43
Congrats to another great build Robert!👍🏻
 6 December 2024, 15:40
Alec K
Glider is indeed very cool. I wonder about its longitudinal stability…
 6 December 2024, 15:43
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, JJ and Alec 🙂 @Alec - actually it was the main reason why there existed only a prototype of this glider 😉
 6 December 2024, 16:10
Alex K
Thumbs up for the new (glider) addition... It just HAD to be a part of your collection! 👍 👍
 6 December 2024, 22:00
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Alex! (You know me better than I do myself 😉 )
 7 December 2024, 08:26
Jennifer Franklin
Love the glider!
 7 December 2024, 18:15
Robert Podkoński Автор
I am glad you like it, Jen 🙂
 7 December 2024, 18:25
Very nice glider 👍
 7 December 2024, 19:25
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks, Cuajete! 🙂
 7 December 2024, 19:53
With another background the glider in pic 58 would look real! Clean work 👍
1  11 December 2024, 10:56
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you very much, Bughunter! You are too kind to me.
 11 December 2024, 17:39
Alex K
Now, dear Robert, after your latest glider... wouldn't it be great to follow up with this kit (that, not surprisingly, seems to be in your stash)? - Armstrong-Whitworth AW-52 (MikroMir 72-016, 1:72)

1  12 December 2024, 02:55
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thanks for your suggestion, Alex (and kind words 🙂 )... So many models, so little time... Yes, I have this kit on my shelf 😉
 12 December 2024, 06:24
Robert, Count on me when you start it. I have it too 👍
 12 December 2024, 18:28
Robert Podkoński Автор
 12 December 2024, 18:41
Robert Podkoński Автор
In the meantime I've assembled a wee Albatros in unusual livery. I hope you'll like it 😉
 9 February, 16:15
Łukasz Gliński
Wow, that's tiny 😮 Never understood the idea behind this fake USAF Albatrosses (or aren't they fake?)
 9 February, 16:41
Robert Podkoński Автор
As far as I know, this one was really tested by USAF at Edwards:
 9 February, 17:08
Oh, nice! I didn't realise the Americans tested it.
1  9 February, 17:40
Robert Podkoński Автор
This is perhaps the only Eastern-Europe developed warplane tested by USAF that was not the spoil of war (or a defector's plane)...
4  9 February, 18:04
Jennifer Franklin
Very cool!
1  12 February, 17:31
Robert Podkoński Автор
Thank you, Jennifer. Much appreciated 🙂
 12 February, 17:46

Album info

I like these since they serve me as simple and relatively cheap "canvases" to try new modelling, painting and weathering skills... And I always have something on my shelf that I can give to my friend's sons, when they visit me 😉

70 изображения
В работе
1:72 US F2A Buffalo (HobbyBoss 80290)1:72 RAF Gladiator (HobbyBoss 80289)1:72 MC.200 Saetta (HobbyBoss 80291)1:72 Me 163 Interceptor (HobbyBoss 80238)1:72 MiG-15bis Fagot (HobbyBoss 80263)1:72 Soviet MiG-3 (HobbyBoss 80229)1:72 A5M2 (HobbyBoss 80288)38+

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