Tamiya De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI/NF Mk.II
2 February 2025, 06:53 -
Album info
de Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI finished as NT202 - AJ-N of 617 Sqdn.
Just about every accessory has been placed in the box, box shaken about a bit and then poured into the display cabinet (if only 🙂 )
Accessories used are...
MDC Cockpit
Verlinden Gun Bay and Control Surfaces
SAC Landing Gear wih True Detail Wheels
Aires Bomb Bays and Engines
Quickboost Landing Gear Doors
CMK Wing Mounted Coolers
Quick & Easy Tail Wheel and Strut
Squadron Vacform canopy and Master Gun Barrels
Decals from Xtradecal and BarracudaCal Stencils
Paints from Xtracolor
Took around 3 years to complete due to going through various period of a lack of interest until lack of storage space dictated the need to finish it!