WIP Nigerian Jaguar (NAF 705)
April 25, 2014Everything starts with the cockpit...2
April 25, 2014Small "windows" opened for the laser targeting system3
April 25, 20143 parts of the fuselage put together, usinf only a little putty. Same with intakes and cone4
April 25, 2014Almost finished ejection seat.5
April 25, 2014Tub and side walls6
April 25, 2014Instrument panel7
April 25, 2014The bottom of the tub is also the front LG well, with ugly gaps in both sides8
April 25, 2014To fill the side wall gaps, plasticard was used. Also a bit of detailing was needed.9
April 25, 2014Tamiya's XF-4 will be sprayed for all interior. (except cockpit)10
April 25, 2014There's no mentioning of nose weight, but just to be sure, 20gr must be ok.11
April 25, 2014I used a plastic tube and clear fix for the laser targeting system, but little is visible at the end12
April 25, 2014Kits ladder needs a bit of detailing as well.13
April 25, 2014The back of the cockpit is pretty flat. I put a new back to serve as a base for the canopy's opening mechanism. Also I drilled a couple of holes for cables etc14
April 25, 2014Finished with the details behind the ejection seat. Two more arms will be added withe canopy at the end, to finish up with its mechanism15
April 25, 2014The main LG is part open. The wheel well is closed and molded and looks bad. So to add some depth, I opened them up (1), and with plasticard and putty, I made 2 quick wells(2). Now are looking better (3)16
April 25, 2014Main LG, part2. Details. In all wells, chaos rules over cables and hydraulic tubes etc. Some detailing is needed to spice things up. Firstly, had to remove those nasty placeholders.17
April 25, 2014Airbrakes wells needed attention too.18
April 25, 2014I drilled a hole at the circle. I think it's the parachute housing19
April 25, 2014Scratch no.1 out with those nasty pinmarks. I'm using PE. On the other hand, wing fences had to be removed, for the overwing pylons to be attached20
April 30, 2014If you want to display airbrakes open, you must drill holes for the airbrakes 2nd arm!!! Not cool at all21
April 30, 2014Pylon holes are big enough to show up even after attaching the pylons. Putty was used to cover them up and then drilled smaller (0,7mm) holes, so not to loose positions and also to add support in the final attachment.22
April 30, 2014Another tricky job. The windfence was removed and the overwing pylons took its place. Unfortunately, I had to ude Milliput to connect with the small bit under the wing.23
April 30, 2014Finally, wings are attached to the fuselage. Minor work is needed in the hump sections24
April 30, 2014Inner and outer underwing pylons. Not sure if I'm gonna use the Magic/Sidewinder addons, or leave it as it is.25
May 2, 2014Jaguar's "face" is now attached to main body. No putty at all was used!26
May 2, 2014Bottom fins attached. Those 2 PE pieces are chaff and flare dispencers, experimental at the time, and from the photos I have, the Nigerian Jag didn't had them on. Will be removed27
May 2, 2014Vertical stabilizer's attached.28
May 2, 2014PE for the exhausts29
May 7, 2014The FOD covers, as seen in the Farnborough pics. I measured the intakes, drilled hole in both and coppen wire for the handles30
May 7, 2014FOD covers, the inner part 😉31
May 7, 2014Master's pitot looks awesome. AOA probe went MIA, and a piece of copper wire was used instead32
May 7, 2014A tiny bit of putty, to smooth the transition
18 February 2025, 11:59 -
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Here's the WIP of my latest project.