- Scară:
- 1:144
- stare:
- terminat
- A început:
- August 22, 2020
- terminat:
- December 13, 2020
- Timp petrecut:
- Way too long
Inventarul proiectului
Kituri complete
Detaliile și seturile de conversii
Culorile proiectului
Albume foto
O parte din mine Colectie
1 25 January 2020, 20:52
I have never managed to get the 1/100 (preferably by VEB Plastikart), so I went for this as a temporary measure😉
25 January 2020, 20:59
Off we go, WiP album is here: Caravelle F-BJTR "Principauté de Monaco" | Album by Woody (1:144)
25 August 2020, 19:35