Isuzu Bonnet Bus Tohno Tetsudo
13 28 August 2022, 11:48
Where are the wings? Is this is vehicle to transport pilots on a diorama?
Where are the wings? Is this is vehicle to transport pilots on a diorama?
5 September 2022, 18:02
Bruce Huxtable
Curious about the various motifs.... Watching with interest, Daniel 🙂
Curious about the various motifs.... Watching with interest, Daniel 🙂
5 September 2022, 19:09
Daniel Klink
Hi mates and welcome! very nice to have you in the first row mates👍
It is getting dirty but whatever this two different green decals must been a mistake by ARII
I will remove them and will use the same blue as the body and the rest will be off white too.
The kit is really mora of a toy than of a serious sclae model but it is fun anyway.
Hi mates and welcome! very nice to have you in the first row mates👍
It is getting dirty but whatever this two different green decals must been a mistake by ARII
I will remove them and will use the same blue as the body and the rest will be off white too.
The kit is really mora of a toy than of a serious sclae model but it is fun anyway.
15 September 2022, 19:21