Beach Erika WIP
December 26, 2021Decided to start a quick project to work on in parallel to the Panzer with this little Erika Hartmann figure.2
December 26, 2021Quick test assembly prior to sanding.3
December 27, 2021Pinned up and ready for a bath4
January 2, 2022Ahh the eternal dance of prime, putty, sand, repeat. So think at this point I think I now have these done and will be ready for skin, though I am gonna need to check the face as I found some micro bubbles when I was checking the chest for mold lines. Also included with this shot is the sample spoon of the skin leaning towards, or at least the base color. Will be doing the skin with Mr. Color Lascivious and will be my first time using it.5
January 19, 2022Apologies for the lack of updates, was under the weather for a bit. Back to work on Erica, and the long process of masking.6
January 19, 2022Masking done and liquid mask applied. Ready to go for more painting.7
January 22, 2022Base color down for the swimsuit. Decided to go for a more screen accurate color as opposed to the reference photo color of blue. As for shading I am debating how best to proceed. Thought about using clear black but that turned out way to dark, though this could be toned down by mixing in some clear. The second option is to use pastels, as I have a set of grays. Would love some input.8
January 24, 2022More progress on Erica, decided to go the pastel route for additional shading. Do have to also need to go back and flat her skin on the torso as I forgot to remove the mask when I did her suit.9
February 3, 2022Little update as work has been kicking my backside. Got the beach ball finished for the Erica figure.10
February 7, 2022Progress on Erica, working on the eyes.11
February 9, 2022More progress, got the eyes painted and ready for clear coat. Tried painting her mouth but the red I have was not a basic red and tried it straight and, as of this photo, tried adding white. So will be getting some basic red and pink tomorrow.12
February 11, 2022Take 2 for the mouth. Decided to redo the mouth as I was not liking the red I originally used, had too much purple tone to it. So got that done plus the tongue. I also don't know how well it shows up but also painted the eye brows; as an aside Vallejo German Yellow 70.806 is a great compliment for Mr Color Lascivious Blonde.13
April 3, 2022Been a while since an update on Erica. Finally got the pastels on and for the first time using this technique I am satisfied but can see where I can improve. Hardest aspect of this technique is color choice, but as finding the right color is the easiest to mess up. Pigment was fixed using AK Pigment Fixer which was really easy to use and blended perfectly.14
April 7, 2022Did her nails15
April 7, 2022Finished her eye using Green Stuff UV clear resin16
April 7, 2022Front shot all together17
April 7, 2022Back18
April 7, 2022Backside19
April 7, 2022Face20
April 8, 2022Last WIP update on Erica. Got her attached to the base and applied some additional AK Beach Sand to blend her with I had already applied. One mistake I made was not applying the terrain product first then placeing her. I did not do it that way as I was not sure exactly how much i was going to need and thought brushing it on would be easier. Live and learn. I do need to touch up a couple of spots where bubbles formed in the terrain and attach the felt feet to the underside of the base but otherwise am calling this one done. Will post some final shots in a day or two.
11 March 2025, 05:03 -