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Mirko Römer (MonoWyvern)

1/72 italeri CH-136 Tac Hel Sqd 1990 CFB Lahr, Germany


2 21 June 2020, 12:42
Mirko Römer Autor
Finally Italeris finest pile of rivets made it to daylight!
 21 June 2020, 13:01
Sergej I
I once did a 1/72 Kiowa... from then on I admire anyone who has the eyes, fingers and guts to do it 🙂
Nice result too, Mirko 👍
 21 June 2020, 13:07
Mirko Römer Autor
Thanks Sergej! 🙂 The most challenging part was the horrible fit of the clear parts. I think it's time for a new OH-58A/D in 1/72nd scale. ClearProp, you hear me?
After all, I think I should have sanded down the rivets - better luck next time. So I tried to play a little with oil colours to replicate the worn look of the original.
Decals came from Print Scale and Leading Edge, some scratch parts in the cockpit and with the antennas. Base colours were AK Real Colors Field Green and Gelboliv (late).
 21 June 2020, 13:19

Album info

Italeris pile of rivets OH-58A

11 imagini
1:72 OH-58A Kiowa (Italeri 195)1:72 Bell OH-58 Kiowa (Print Scale 72-070)1:72 Bell OH-58D Kiowa (KV Models 72713)1:72 CF-5 Canada Wraparound Camouflage (Leading Edge 72.85)

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