Hawk 75
4 1 May 2020, 19:46

Welcome folks. Belts are PE French seatbelts by Eduard (I have to add it to project). I started fuselage assembly yesterday evening and the fit is rather A-Modellish 🙁 Perfect Putty will be called for help for sure.
3 May 2020, 08:03

I had a bit more luck with AZ's Hampden, but these limited-run kits have their challenges- I see you're coping though!
16 May 2020, 07:38

Sorry Lukasz, I haven't read previous posts. Standard short run quality?
16 May 2020, 11:14

Looking good this far. I am currently working on the wing of my P-36A so can only agree to yor comments regarding fit. Still i am the opinion that the end effect will be worth the effort.
16 May 2020, 11:56

Thanks guys, I appreciate your comments. The fit is Amodellish as I wrote beforehand. And there are some symmetry issues, like the front machine guns. But I think I'll have to live with it in order to avoid rebuilding the whole front of the fuselage. I'm going to cheat everyone by stating "Ah, you know, it's the macro issue in my camera..."😉
16 May 2020, 12:49

A wee drill out of those frontal tubes will add dimension and make you forget any symmetry issues?
16 May 2020, 14:34

Thank you both, mates. Finished the main filling/sanding part today. The kit is primed black and awaits some panel line corrections. Then the glazing will get its 5 minutes of fame😉
16 May 2020, 19:20

Looks really nice! Priming it black, are you planning to do blackbasing?
16 May 2020, 20:51

I try almost everytime, but need the postshading anyway. The colours seem too dark to me every time and I just lose the shaidng in most cases, in particular when it comes to multi-colour camos.😉
16 May 2020, 20:56

I improvised as I wanted to have the lines a little blurred. I went for Blutack, Vallejo fluid mask and different kabuki tapes. Anyway I had to brush some touch-ups afterwards 🙂
10 June 2020, 08:13

I like those French colors too. This kit has been on my short list for a while too, but I was hoping for a better fit. You don't paint an encouraging picture...😄😉
10 June 2020, 15:33

Indeed as I don't want to deceive anybody 😄
On the other hand I love that plane so much I'm considering a Dutch one, but then for sure I'd cut out and realign the machine gun panel on the engine cowling 🙂
10 June 2020, 19:07

I'm seeing what will await me when I start this kit. I Couldn't have done better. Well done so far, Łukasz!
10 June 2020, 19:08

Finished the weathering. It's too dark, but I already had to fix few issues after "brightening it up", so I'm going to leave it as it is. Wheels attached. What is missing? Undercarriage covers and wires, gunsight, aerials and matt varnish.
25 June 2020, 20:55

Looking really nice, I particularly like the soft transitions between the camouflage colors... impressing work! The weathering looks great too!
25 June 2020, 21:04

All credits to Blutack😉
Btw. I have been testing your preshading hints on my Swift today 🙂
25 June 2020, 21:13

Thanks, I expected you to agree the Hawk is too dark now 😛
@Alec: the gun barrels were made of some injection needle I found in my stash. And painted with Vallejo gunmetal/black mix.
26 June 2020, 14:20

Finish line! Waited till today morning to take the pics and as you can see the weather is perfect 🙂 Even the undersides don't look that dark anymore in the bright sunlight😉
Love that camo, love that plane, I have to build more of it, even though the fuselage MGs are not symmetric😉
Time to start the Hurricane...
4 July 2020, 08:47

cracking finish Ł, superb (not over-done) weathering: looking forward to you joining us on "Rock You Like a Hurricane"
4 July 2020, 08:55

Thanks Gentlemen 🙂 I forgot to add the AZ decals are really excellent these days.
4 July 2020, 09:49

This one turned out exceptionally nice! The paintwork and the slight weathering is truly first class.
4 July 2020, 10:01

Beautiful result after the ordeal you had to go through! 👍 You really turned some random pieces of plastic into a great model! 🙂 I also like that the future Tomahawk/Kittyhawk lines are already visible.
4 July 2020, 15:32

Many thanks guys, much appreciated.
@Patrick: The kit's quality is not outstanding indeed, but it's buildable as you can see😉
Hmm, it might actually look interesting beside a P-40, I have to consider that.
@David: Nice to see that my famous hangar hasn't lost its sex-appeal yet😉
4 July 2020, 17:56

Very nice, Łukasz!... The effort was worth it. I just hope someday I can take mine with desire.
4 July 2020, 17:59

No, that hangar backdrop is still as gorgeous as before. It really gives a realistic 3D feeling to the photos especially with some soft natural light.
4 July 2020, 19:32

Beautiful result Lukasz. The weathering and paintwork, well i do like it a lot..
Not a simple scheme at all.... Congrats 👍
14 July 2020, 15:00