S.M. 81 Pipistrello
27 20 February 2019, 16:42
Daniel Klink
some progress with the Cockpit and the interior..
Love this italian birds and their Camos
some progress with the Cockpit and the interior..
Love this italian birds and their Camos
20 February 2019, 16:44
Daniel Klink
Thank you Stephan- Thought i do something familiar to your avatar😉
Thank you Stephan- Thought i do something familiar to your avatar😉
20 February 2019, 18:06
Daniel Klink
Hey Guys, welcome and many thanks for your nice comments and your attendance to this built 👍
@Olivier these are really some nice words mate👍 Thank you and feel free to come in😉
@ALec welcome and I use AliD'italia Vol 29 as reference..
Hey Guys, welcome and many thanks for your nice comments and your attendance to this built 👍
@Olivier these are really some nice words mate👍 Thank you and feel free to come in😉
@ALec welcome and I use AliD'italia Vol 29 as reference..
23 February 2019, 20:53
Łukasz Gliński
How do you manage so many big kits at the same time? Following, of course 🙂
How do you manage so many big kits at the same time? Following, of course 🙂
1 March 2019, 22:16
Daniel Klink
@spaanjard thanks, and of course feel free to come in 👍
@Lukasz Honestly I don't know😉 It takes it time and perhaps i would be faster if i would do them one after another😉
@Cliff Thank you mate 👍
@Gordon Thank you and the credits go to Italeri for a well done rework of the old Supermodel.
@Bob You are always welcome Bob 👍
@spaanjard thanks, and of course feel free to come in 👍
@Lukasz Honestly I don't know😉 It takes it time and perhaps i would be faster if i would do them one after another😉
@Cliff Thank you mate 👍
@Gordon Thank you and the credits go to Italeri for a well done rework of the old Supermodel.
@Bob You are always welcome Bob 👍
3 March 2019, 20:33
Łukasz Gliński
Well, sometimes I come to the same conclusion. But on the other hand I can't sit and just wait when the primer/glue/paint dries 🙂
Well, sometimes I come to the same conclusion. But on the other hand I can't sit and just wait when the primer/glue/paint dries 🙂
4 March 2019, 08:23
Greg Baker
Oh, Imdon't know How I missed the beginning of this one. I have the same kit (albeit for destined for a coat of yellow paint as part of another Tintin build), so I'll be watching this one for business AND pleasure... 🙂
Oh, Imdon't know How I missed the beginning of this one. I have the same kit (albeit for destined for a coat of yellow paint as part of another Tintin build), so I'll be watching this one for business AND pleasure... 🙂
4 March 2019, 08:32
Daniel Klink
@Lukasz Yap that is the point..so many other kits waiting😉
@Greg You welcome mate and i feel honored and hope to give you inspiration..
@Peter Thank you very much Sir 👍
@Lukasz Yap that is the point..so many other kits waiting😉
@Greg You welcome mate and i feel honored and hope to give you inspiration..
@Peter Thank you very much Sir 👍
11 March 2019, 12:18
Daniel Klink
Some minor fir issues but nothing to bad.. STraightforward built so far 👍
Some minor fir issues but nothing to bad.. STraightforward built so far 👍
27 March 2019, 23:02
Daniel Klink
Hi Clifford, Thank you .. The wing fit to the fuselage is always a problem with this italian Italeri birds.
Hi Clifford, Thank you .. The wing fit to the fuselage is always a problem with this italian Italeri birds.
28 March 2019, 10:20
David Januska
Daniel, another interesting and great looking piece. Looking forward for the final result.
Daniel, another interesting and great looking piece. Looking forward for the final result.
29 March 2019, 08:53
So now we have a team of Italian tri-motor addicts... Klink and Rodriguez !
So now we have a team of Italian tri-motor addicts... Klink and Rodriguez !
29 March 2019, 19:44
Daniel Klink
Hi Cuajete and Olly, thank you and yes Trimots rock 👍
Now i know why the italians are the inventors of Latte Macchiato and Cappucino 🙂
Back from Scotland i washed the italian bat in it 🙂
Hi Cuajete and Olly, thank you and yes Trimots rock 👍
Now i know why the italians are the inventors of Latte Macchiato and Cappucino 🙂
Back from Scotland i washed the italian bat in it 🙂
5 April 2019, 20:58
Daniel Klink
Thank you mates for your your encouraging words 👍
@ frank ja das Beste was man tun kann
Thank you mates for your your encouraging words 👍
@ frank ja das Beste was man tun kann
6 April 2019, 12:08
Daniel Klink
Thank you Cuajete.. Yes looks really coffee like... and i love coffee in all variants
Thank you Cuajete.. Yes looks really coffee like... and i love coffee in all variants
6 April 2019, 19:36
I do like to see Italian planes, especially with that lovely camo and insignia. Nice job, Daniel! 👍
I do like to see Italian planes, especially with that lovely camo and insignia. Nice job, Daniel! 👍
7 April 2019, 08:25
Daniel Klink
Thank you very much mates 👍 Glosscoat added washing and rest of decaling to follow.
@Nigel yes very attractive designs and colors they had
Thank you very much mates 👍 Glosscoat added washing and rest of decaling to follow.
@Nigel yes very attractive designs and colors they had
7 April 2019, 17:58
Tom ...
I really like the paint work. Looking forward to seeing the weathering too. Looking really good, Daniel!
I really like the paint work. Looking forward to seeing the weathering too. Looking really good, Daniel!
7 April 2019, 21:29
Daniel Klink
Thank you very much Cliff, To and James !
@Tom parts of the weathering done , waiting for the finishing touches.. I will try to get just some bleached effect with the matt coat and some filtering.
Thank you very much Cliff, To and James !
@Tom parts of the weathering done , waiting for the finishing touches.. I will try to get just some bleached effect with the matt coat and some filtering.
10 April 2019, 09:11
Daniel Klink
Moin Axel, jo sonst wären es echt nur Japaner 🙂
Auch das Netz bringe ich mit ich Dussel
Moin Axel, jo sonst wären es echt nur Japaner 🙂
Auch das Netz bringe ich mit ich Dussel
14 April 2019, 14:50
Danke aber das mit dem Netz ist nicht notwendig, hat sich erledigt. sind fast alle 1/72 wech
Danke aber das mit dem Netz ist nicht notwendig, hat sich erledigt. sind fast alle 1/72 wech
14 April 2019, 14:54
erstmal aufräumen, alle fertigen 1/72 raus, wenn Du noch Spareparts in 1/72 brauchst sag bescheid
erstmal aufräumen, alle fertigen 1/72 raus, wenn Du noch Spareparts in 1/72 brauchst sag bescheid
14 April 2019, 15:14
Daniel Klink
Thank you Stephan, Christian, Flo, Lukasz, Guy and Roland.much appreciated ..
@Lukasz the glasshouse will no be covered but the Montex masks were not that suitable and easy to handle like i was used to with eduard. THought it will be the easiest way to hide the nonperfectness, but at the other hand all the cockpitwork before will be for nothing. So i will clean it and paint it again.
Thank you Stephan, Christian, Flo, Lukasz, Guy and Roland.much appreciated ..
@Lukasz the glasshouse will no be covered but the Montex masks were not that suitable and easy to handle like i was used to with eduard. THought it will be the easiest way to hide the nonperfectness, but at the other hand all the cockpitwork before will be for nothing. So i will clean it and paint it again.
14 April 2019, 20:06
Łukasz Gliński
@Daniel: Indeed, Montex vinyl stuff is way stronger than kabuki ones.
@Daniel: Indeed, Montex vinyl stuff is way stronger than kabuki ones.
15 April 2019, 09:07
Alec K
Dano, you are a model building factory 😄. Very nice as usual 👍
I meant to ask: do you know if Italeri made any improvements on the tool? I have the old Supermodel casting and am wondering if it's worth it to upgrade. Thanks.
Dano, you are a model building factory 😄. Very nice as usual 👍
I meant to ask: do you know if Italeri made any improvements on the tool? I have the old Supermodel casting and am wondering if it's worth it to upgrade. Thanks.
15 April 2019, 12:05
Daniel Klink
Wow! Thank you all guys for your warm and nice comments, much appreciated.
@ALec It is definitely an upgrade to the Supermodel kit. Especially in terms of surface detailing and crispier details. But the transparent parts and engine details are no improvement at all.
I would get a hand on it as for their Z. 506B AIrone offering
Wow! Thank you all guys for your warm and nice comments, much appreciated.
@ALec It is definitely an upgrade to the Supermodel kit. Especially in terms of surface detailing and crispier details. But the transparent parts and engine details are no improvement at all.
I would get a hand on it as for their Z. 506B AIrone offering
15 April 2019, 13:17
Daniel Klink
Thank you Mike, yes it is odd looking with these engine setup.
But in his natural habitat it looks a lot more integrated.
I think i will bake a sandy cookie for it
Thank you Mike, yes it is odd looking with these engine setup.
But in his natural habitat it looks a lot more integrated.
I think i will bake a sandy cookie for it
17 April 2019, 16:27
Greg Baker
Yay! Sand cookies are my favourite part of Daniel's builds... they remind me of Christmas. ;;
Yay! Sand cookies are my favourite part of Daniel's builds... they remind me of Christmas. ;;
17 April 2019, 22:33
Greg Baker
I have to say, the cookie really does bring it all together. It makes your detailing multilayered. I'm always impressed by the story that emerges from your builds.
I have to say, the cookie really does bring it all together. It makes your detailing multilayered. I'm always impressed by the story that emerges from your builds.
18 April 2019, 22:56
Greg Baker
I love watching your builds unfold Daniel. Even when there are setbacks, like broken canopies or such, it seems like it all just gets unpacked as it should be. You have a great build style.
I love watching your builds unfold Daniel. Even when there are setbacks, like broken canopies or such, it seems like it all just gets unpacked as it should be. You have a great build style.
19 June 2019, 00:02
Daniel Klink
Wow greg, that are some really nice words! And that makes me really proud you wrote them👍
Love your works either as you know👍
Wow greg, that are some really nice words! And that makes me really proud you wrote them👍
Love your works either as you know👍
19 June 2019, 19:54
Album info
Another italian Trimot