Grumman F-29C Bat - 388th FS
1 5 August 2016, 09:05

Looks real cool , Benoit! Is this the way the X 29 would have looked like, if it would have gone into serial production?
5 August 2016, 10:53

Thx guys. Burkhard, you're paying me a very high compliment.. 🙂
Hanno, I cannot really tell you, if this would have been like that, but I got my inspiration from a picture that I've found in a book about the X-29. I added it to the album.
5 August 2016, 15:31

Nice! What a fantastic looking Whiffie! Great job on this remarkable aircraft in a most real looking livery 👍
23 November 2016, 19:55

Thanks a lot!
Yes...too bad they didn't proceed with that idea. Another plane-fate that also hurts my heart, is the F-20...such a pity it never made it further. But the F-16 was a tough opponent...guess the Tigershark just came a bit too late.
But never too late for another whiffie 😉
24 November 2016, 21:53

Ein paar Schweizer Hoheitszeichen hätten da auch gut gepasst😉 👍
28 January 2017, 16:05

Ja, das wär was gewesen! Vielleicht muss ich mich da nochmals ran machen. Hab ja noch ein paar X-29 an Lager.... 😉
28 January 2017, 18:37
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What-if project