Hasegawa RA-5C Vigilante
May 1, 2015parts in box2
May 1, 2015wings assembled3
May 1, 2015installed seats and cockpit4
May 2, 2015puttying wing seams5
May 15, 2015fuselage buttoned up. Wings on.6
May 15, 2015man structure together7
May 15, 2015intakes on8
May 15, 2015tail hook panel on9
May 20, 201510
May 24, 2015gas bags11
June 4, 201512
June 4, 2015tail fins fixed13
June 10, 2015coat of white14
June 10, 201515
June 23, 201516
June 24, 201517
June 30, 201518
July 5, 2015starboard elevon stripped19
July 7, 201520
July 9, 2015leading edge masks off21
July 11, 2015top of wings and fuselage first coat of Future22
July 13, 2015another coat of Future23
July 14, 201524
July 14, 201525
July 16, 2015all glossy with elevon back on26
July 18, 2015starting decals27
July 19, 2015canlopy on, more decals28
July 21, 2015legs to stand on29
July 24, 2015right side decals30
July 24, 2015bottom national insignia31
August 3, 2015sprayed Testors Dullcote32
August 4, 2015looking flat now33
August 12, 2015inboard tanks attached34
August 14, 2015On the shelf and done.
17 February 2025, 09:13 -
Project info
34 imagini