Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb Airfix OOBVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 1April 19, 2015Box 2April 19, 2015Sprues ... dating back from the 1970s 3April 19, 2015Decal sheet 4April 19, 2015Instructiions ,,, revealing the kit's vintage 5April 19, 2015Painting instructions ... up-to-date 6April 19, 2015Painting instructions ... up-to-date 7April 19, 2015Lets start the work ..... 8April 19, 2015AK paits a really good for brush painting. 9April 19, 2015Wing assembly 10April 19, 2015Fuselage assembly 11April 19, 2015Quite a bit of Green Stuff putty to cater for the gaps. 12April 19, 2015Some more green stuff. 13April 19, 2015And more ,,, In the end I cancelled the project .... too much work for this model Comentarii19 April 2015, 18:39Julian Herrero aka Yuri AutorCancelled, too much work 30 December 2015, 19:22Project infoSupermarine Spitfire Mk Vb Airfix OOB13 imagini1:72AnulatToate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »