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Łukasz Gliński (Woody)

Polish Mustang III (316 Sqn RAF)


7 25 December 2024, 22:06
Thomas O'Eh
Looking good so far! I have the item on order, also planning to build a RAF Polish sqn from it, 315 in my case. Curious about your comment: What's wrong with the canopy? According to the manual a Malcolm canopy should be included?
Did you consciously choose the rear wheel bay color to be the same as the rest of the interior? My references show a zinc chromate yellow (e.g. Tamiya XF-4) for the rear wheel bay…
 26 December 2024, 13:19
Łukasz Gliński
Thanks Thomas.
Yes, the Malcolm hood (aka blown) canopy is not present in my kit, only the "straight" one.
However I managed to modify it using some UV resin, it will have to do the job.
Regarding the rear wheel bay - yes I went for the yellow chromate (in my case the AK marker). My reference is AH's instruction 🙂
 26 December 2024, 17:51
 26 December 2024, 19:58
Thomas O'Eh
Hi Lukasz, now that you say it I can spot the difference! Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
 26 December 2024, 20:01
Bas Tonn
I'm planning to do another Mustang at some point, so I'm curious abou every build. Not the easiest kit I think? Good luck !!
 1 January, 22:14
Jennifer Franklin
 1 January, 22:19
Łukasz Gliński
Bas, of course it's not AH, but it's well designed and goes together very quickly.
Similarly to Revell's Phantom, but way fewer parts to assemble, so the painting stage comes very fast.
1  1 January, 22:24
It is certainly a nice kit, although I changed it for the Arma Hobby one. Interesting experiment with the canopy bubble corrected with UV glue. I'll like to see the result.
Happy New Year, Łukasz!
 2 January, 20:35

Project info

12 imagini
In progres
1:72 P-51 Mustang III R.A.F. (Revell 04167)1:72 P-51B/C Mustang Wheels (CMK Q72119)1:72 P-51B Mustang (Eduard SS105)1:72 P-51B (Eduard CX056)
North American Mustang Mk.III
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)
No. 316 (Polish) Sqn. FB353 / SZ-H
August 1944 World War 2 - Friston

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