German Tank Crew(6 figures) at RestTamiya | No. 35201 | 1:35proiecte18 imaginiMyAlbum1:35Proiect: Tiger I (Tamiya+AFV)2+9 imaginiMyAlbum1:35Proiect: Somwere in Holland september 6th 1944121 imaginiStuH 42 Production of Alkett Company1:35Last modification of the project.Proiect: StuH 42 Production of Alkett Factory in late 194322 imaginiDer Brummbär1:35Proiect: Sturmpanzer IV Early Version20 imaginiRitorno dal collaudo1:35Proiect: Ritorno dal collaudo1 imaginiKönigstiger1:35Proiect: Meng Königstiger11 imaginiFinished Ferdinand1:35Proiect: Ferdinand - A stop before the storm.3+15 imaginiFestung diorama complete1:35Proiect: Festung 194540 imaginiTiger 1 with interior1:35Proiect: Tiger 1 with interior35 imaginiTiger von Eschnapur1:35Proiect: Tiger von Eschnapur3+10 imaginiKV-1 s'Ekranami1:35Proiect: "Look what I found!"1+61 imaginiBergepanzer Tiger (P) and the little birdie ...1:35Proiect: Bergepanzer Tiger (P)2+23 imaginiFinis Terræ1:35Proiect: Finis Terræ1+7 imaginiTour de France1:35Proiect: Tour de France, winners photo34 imaginiPanther G DML1:35close, getting close.....composition is looking good.......Proiect: Panther G; a manly tank1+