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Ocean Exploration Vessel

Revell | No. 05101 | 1:125

Boxart Ocean Exploration Vessel 05101 Revell


21 imagini
Completed Revell Cousteau's Calypso in 1/125View album, image #3
1:125 Ocean Exploration Vessel (Revell 05101)1:200 4 type Rigging blocks for 1:200~1:144 ship model (ModelshipJP YPMALH2D8)No Handle Tools Suit (Master Tools 09921)6+
9 imagini
Ocean Exploration VesselView album, image #1
1:125 Ocean Exploration Vessel (Revell 05101)
7 imagini
MyAlbumView album, image #1
1:125 Ocean Exploration Vessel (Revell 05101)
30 imagini
Revell 1:125th Ocean Exploration VesselView album, image #30
Experimenting with weathering on the hull - WIP - (y)
1:125 Ocean Exploration Vessel (Revell 05101)