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1:72 Fences

Cronologie pentru Minimali Productions (025) Fence with Underpinning

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European Iron Fence (Pattern 1) (Voyager Model PE72013) European Iron Fence (Pattern 2) (Voyager Model PE72023) European Iron Fence (Pattern 3) (Voyager Model PE72025) Soviet Casted Park Fence (Modern era) (Armory Dio7201) Airfield fencing type 1 (Mini World A7233A) Airfield fencing type 1 (Mini World A7233B) Airfield fencing type 2 (Mini World A7234A) Airfield fencing type 2 (Mini World A7234B) Airfield fencing type 3 (Mini World A7235A) Airfield fencing type 3 (Mini World A7235B) Wooden Paling (Fredericus-Rex GL-ZUB-007) Wooden Fences No 2 (Fredericus-Rex GL-ZUB-008) Wooden Fence No 1 (Fredericus-Rex GL-ZUB-009) Fence with Underpinning (Minimali Productions 025) Chain mesh gate for high fence (Model Scene 48141) Wooden fence - Type 15 (Model Scene PL7 015) Wooden fence - Type 18 (Model Scene PL7-018)

Seturile sunt afișate pe cronologie în care sunt completate anul și originea.