VW Kdt.1 Typ82KübelwagenItaleri | No. 312 | 1:35proiecte9 imaginiArgentan 19441:35Proiect: Leopold 1944 France Diorama26+9 imaginiVolkswagen Kübelwagen1:35Proiect: Volkswagen Kübelwagen8 imaginiDAK Diorama1:35Proiect: DAK Diorama10+31 imaginiWrong turn comrade1:35Calling that done, apart from the load in the car needs tweaking Proiect: Wrong turn comrade3 imaginiBulgarian Vehicles in WWII:Kübelwagen Typ 82/КДФ1:35Before weatheringProiect: Bulgarian Vehicles in WWII:Kübelwagen Typ 82/КДФ15 imaginiKübelwagen conversions1:35Proiect: VW Typ82 - Kübelwagen