A-26B Invader
552nd BS, 386th BG, Beaumont, France 1945 "Stinky"
Hobby Master | No. A3201 | 1:72
- Marca:
- Hobby Master
- Titlu:
- A-26B Invader 552nd BS, 386th BG, Beaumont, France 1945 "Stinky"
- Număr:
- A3201
- Scară:
- 1:72
- Tip:
- terminat
- Subiect:
- Douglas A-26 Invader » Elice (avioane)
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Material de referință
B-26K Counter Invader Model How to build the B-26K Counter Invader Model from ICM
A Glenn Hoover Model Build Instruction Series No. 44
Glenn Hoover
2023 A-26 Invader Douglas A-26/B-26 from WWII through Vietnam
Legends of Warfare: Aviation No. 59
David Doyle
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