Mirage IV
98 7 December 2020, 19:08
Raphael Bernecole
Great ! I will follow with carefully, i have this box in my stash 🙂
Great ! I will follow with carefully, i have this box in my stash 🙂
10 December 2020, 11:27
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Raphael! Weekend will be celebrated with some new pictures 🙂
Thank you Raphael! Weekend will be celebrated with some new pictures 🙂
11 December 2020, 11:13
Maciej Bellos
Oh man, that rear section is, well, a dealbraker to put it mildly... 🙁
Oh man, that rear section is, well, a dealbraker to put it mildly... 🙁
27 December 2020, 22:12
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you for Your comments, Lukasz, Maciej and Jürgen! The whole beautiful Mirage IV is a horror at the moment, but as they say in German: "viel Feind, viel Ehr" (much enemy, much honour) 🙂
Thank you for Your comments, Lukasz, Maciej and Jürgen! The whole beautiful Mirage IV is a horror at the moment, but as they say in German: "viel Feind, viel Ehr" (much enemy, much honour) 🙂
28 December 2020, 12:30
Roland Sachsenhofer
I am working my way from the stern to the bow with the filling, sanding and re-engraving; at the moment I have arrived behind the air intakes.
A question for the knowledgeable community: I would appreciate any information on what is hidden behind the transparent flat dome on the underside. The instructions suggest painting it in "radome colour". Do you have any idea what was behind it?
I am working my way from the stern to the bow with the filling, sanding and re-engraving; at the moment I have arrived behind the air intakes.
A question for the knowledgeable community: I would appreciate any information on what is hidden behind the transparent flat dome on the underside. The instructions suggest painting it in "radome colour". Do you have any idea what was behind it?
2 January 2021, 11:51
Nice IVA Roland! love the colours on it. Under that flat dome was the ground radar IIRC and it was unpainted generally
Nice IVA Roland! love the colours on it. Under that flat dome was the ground radar IIRC and it was unpainted generally
9 January 2021, 19:43
Roland Sachsenhofer
The masks have fallen.... and you always find something to fix! The half-macro shots are deadly 🙂
I would like to have the decals applied by the day after tomorrow.
The masks have fallen.... and you always find something to fix! The half-macro shots are deadly 🙂
I would like to have the decals applied by the day after tomorrow.
10 January 2021, 16:57
Bart Goesaert
Great looking NMF. No visible scratches or defaults after the extensive sanding/scribing (something I still don't master....)
Great looking NMF. No visible scratches or defaults after the extensive sanding/scribing (something I still don't master....)
11 January 2021, 03:17
Impressive wiring on that landing gear. What kind of wire did you use?
Impressive wiring on that landing gear. What kind of wire did you use?
14 January 2021, 14:04
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you both, mates! The wiring is simple copper wire. I would like to add a few colour accents.
Finally, the Mirage IV turns into the home stretch.
Thank you both, mates! The wiring is simple copper wire. I would like to add a few colour accents.
Finally, the Mirage IV turns into the home stretch.
14 January 2021, 18:31
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you very much Hanno!
My first project of the new year is finished! Considering the fact that the Mirage IV from A&A initially offered plenty of need for sanding, I am quite satisfied with the result. All sensors and also the rear view mirrors in the front cockpit were improvised from the spare parts box; the rest was finally a joy to assemble!
Many thanks for your interest and the motivating, interesting comments, I hope you like the final pictures!
Thank you very much Hanno!
My first project of the new year is finished! Considering the fact that the Mirage IV from A&A initially offered plenty of need for sanding, I am quite satisfied with the result. All sensors and also the rear view mirrors in the front cockpit were improvised from the spare parts box; the rest was finally a joy to assemble!
Many thanks for your interest and the motivating, interesting comments, I hope you like the final pictures!
16 January 2021, 19:06
Roland Sachsenhofer
....and thank you for all your vivid "liking" as well of course! 🙂
....and thank you for all your vivid "liking" as well of course! 🙂
16 January 2021, 19:08
Łukasz Gliński
Even though I prefer green-grey ones, your sanding qualifications are highly impressive😉
The mirrors are a very nice detail indeed 👍
Even though I prefer green-grey ones, your sanding qualifications are highly impressive😉
The mirrors are a very nice detail indeed 👍
16 January 2021, 19:57
Maciej Bellos
While she isn't a colourful one, with very few decals, she looks mightily impressive. Well done Roland! How big is she?
While she isn't a colourful one, with very few decals, she looks mightily impressive. Well done Roland! How big is she?
16 January 2021, 21:14
Fantastic model! I love it!
What do you think of this brand (A&A)? I was looking at 'Helwan HA-300' model and would love to hear your experience with this maker.
Fantastic model! I love it!
What do you think of this brand (A&A)? I was looking at 'Helwan HA-300' model and would love to hear your experience with this maker.
16 January 2021, 23:14
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you all for the positive feedback and encouragement! It really makes me happy!
Maciej, the Mirage IV also makes an impression as a model: I measured 31 centimetres overall length.
Cortex, this is now my third A&A kit, though I have also completed several Modelsvit models that offer quite comparable quality.
A&A is a little less lush compared to Modelsvit. For example, it lacks the masking-off masks that always seem to be included with Modelsvit.
As for the accuracy of fit, up until the Mirage IV I would have said: excellent! When building the Mirage IV, however, there was a lot of sanding and correcting to be done, but I consider that to be "the exception that confirms the rule" of excellent accuracy of fit. The parts structure at A&A shows that there are modellers here with practice and the knowledge of what does good. I find the layout quite comfortable and sensible.
The surface textures play in the upper league and are a joy to look at.
Some parts seem a bit blurred and out of focus now and then. This refers mainly to small details like antennas or the inside of landing gear bays. Here it is necessary to do some detailing or "scratching"; but it is all not so bad and can be done with a little commitment. The construction of the Helwan Ha-300 you mentioned was problem-free and went quite quickly - I hope you enjoy building this well-designed model!
Thank you all for the positive feedback and encouragement! It really makes me happy!
Maciej, the Mirage IV also makes an impression as a model: I measured 31 centimetres overall length.
Cortex, this is now my third A&A kit, though I have also completed several Modelsvit models that offer quite comparable quality.
A&A is a little less lush compared to Modelsvit. For example, it lacks the masking-off masks that always seem to be included with Modelsvit.
As for the accuracy of fit, up until the Mirage IV I would have said: excellent! When building the Mirage IV, however, there was a lot of sanding and correcting to be done, but I consider that to be "the exception that confirms the rule" of excellent accuracy of fit. The parts structure at A&A shows that there are modellers here with practice and the knowledge of what does good. I find the layout quite comfortable and sensible.
The surface textures play in the upper league and are a joy to look at.
Some parts seem a bit blurred and out of focus now and then. This refers mainly to small details like antennas or the inside of landing gear bays. Here it is necessary to do some detailing or "scratching"; but it is all not so bad and can be done with a little commitment. The construction of the Helwan Ha-300 you mentioned was problem-free and went quite quickly - I hope you enjoy building this well-designed model!
17 January 2021, 08:56
Fantastic result, Roland. Very nice painting job.
Do you have any pic from the down part of model? I would like to know how you solved the problem for the color of the transparent flat dome. Thanks!
Fantastic result, Roland. Very nice painting job.
Do you have any pic from the down part of model? I would like to know how you solved the problem for the color of the transparent flat dome. Thanks!
17 January 2021, 10:22
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you for your positive feedback! I have added images 29 and 30 to show the underside/radome. If you want, I can add more pictures - just let me know!
Thank you for your positive feedback! I have added images 29 and 30 to show the underside/radome. If you want, I can add more pictures - just let me know!
17 January 2021, 10:35
Thanks, Roland. Don't worry...
I thought that there were masking tape. So I suppose that really is... yellow color?
Thanks, Roland. Don't worry...
I thought that there were masking tape. So I suppose that really is... yellow color?
17 January 2021, 18:42
Slavo Hazucha
Roland I was a fan of your NMF's already cca. from the Tunnans, and there is nothing better for a fan than to see his team improve😉 👍
I think this may be the best yet, the tonal variety and the degree of polish & co, even better then the Hustler!
Big deltas seem to suit you, you got it looking top in scale & with the right "feeling of it's era" in the entire presentation!
Roland I was a fan of your NMF's already cca. from the Tunnans, and there is nothing better for a fan than to see his team improve😉 👍
I think this may be the best yet, the tonal variety and the degree of polish & co, even better then the Hustler!
Big deltas seem to suit you, you got it looking top in scale & with the right "feeling of it's era" in the entire presentation!
17 January 2021, 18:46
Thank you Roland for the great review, I will go ahead and try one model from them they seem fun!
Thank you Roland for the great review, I will go ahead and try one model from them they seem fun!
18 January 2021, 06:48
Łukasz Gliński
@Slavo: "Polish & Co" you say? Maybe I should get one in such case?😉
@Slavo: "Polish & Co" you say? Maybe I should get one in such case?😉
18 January 2021, 08:30
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello! Your feedback on the Mirage IV is really wonderful and definitely extremely motivating! Thank you indeed mates! Slavo, I am proud that you follow my model building attempts! I particularly like the "feeling of it's era".
If this building report was an encouragement to pick up an A&A kit, then I'm glad.
Hello! Your feedback on the Mirage IV is really wonderful and definitely extremely motivating! Thank you indeed mates! Slavo, I am proud that you follow my model building attempts! I particularly like the "feeling of it's era".
If this building report was an encouragement to pick up an A&A kit, then I'm glad.
18 January 2021, 16:56
Erik Leijdens
fantastic build Roland! Albeit all the sanding you did manage to get a nice NMF surface to it. Great work 👍
fantastic build Roland! Albeit all the sanding you did manage to get a nice NMF surface to it. Great work 👍
19 January 2021, 08:06
Oliver Zwiener
Klasse Ding , aber ich würde mich über ein Foto von der Unterseite freuen, um auch noch ein Blick auf die Bewaffnung zu haben 😉
Klasse Ding , aber ich würde mich über ein Foto von der Unterseite freuen, um auch noch ein Blick auf die Bewaffnung zu haben 😉
19 January 2021, 19:33
Roland Sachsenhofer
Danke Oliver! Ich zeige gerne noch ein paar Fotos der Unterseite, die ist in der bisherigen Bilderstrecke ohnehin unterrepräsentiert.
Thanks Oliver! I'll be happy to show a few more photos of the underside, which is underrepresented in the previous photo series anyway.
Danke Oliver! Ich zeige gerne noch ein paar Fotos der Unterseite, die ist in der bisherigen Bilderstrecke ohnehin unterrepräsentiert.
Thanks Oliver! I'll be happy to show a few more photos of the underside, which is underrepresented in the previous photo series anyway.
20 January 2021, 06:49
Oliver Zwiener
Lieben Dank Roland , die letzten drei Fotos kamen dann ja wohl mit Mach 2,2 😉
Lieben Dank Roland , die letzten drei Fotos kamen dann ja wohl mit Mach 2,2 😉
20 January 2021, 18:35
Roland Sachsenhofer
I'm glad you like this Mirage IV- thank you a lot for digging out this one! It was one of the first A&A Models kits I got to know - quickly convinced me of the qualities of this manufacturer.
I'm glad you like this Mirage IV- thank you a lot for digging out this one! It was one of the first A&A Models kits I got to know - quickly convinced me of the qualities of this manufacturer.
11 April 2023, 11:23
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thanks for the comment!
The Mirage IV is now enjoying a new owner; As (almost ) all my models are for sale, last autumn the model changed hands at an exhibition. For me, this is a very nice imagination!
Thanks for the comment!
The Mirage IV is now enjoying a new owner; As (almost ) all my models are for sale, last autumn the model changed hands at an exhibition. For me, this is a very nice imagination!
12 April 2023, 17:40
Roland Sachsenhofer
I really appreciate your feedback, thank you mates!
Nun ja, ich denke, ich muss mir einfach eine Mirage IV noch einmal bauen- jene in 1:48!. Well, I guess I'll just have to build a Mirage IV again - the one in 1/48th scale!
I really appreciate your feedback, thank you mates!
Nun ja, ich denke, ich muss mir einfach eine Mirage IV noch einmal bauen- jene in 1:48!. Well, I guess I'll just have to build a Mirage IV again - the one in 1/48th scale!
13 April 2023, 08:55
Michael Kohl
impressive how you lifted this rather crude offer onto a different level. Very well done.
impressive how you lifted this rather crude offer onto a different level. Very well done.
13 April 2023, 15:28