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Cadet 1912 Packard

Heller Cadet | No. CO 17 | 1:32

Boxart 1912 Packard CO 17 Heller Cadet


Heller Cadet
Cadet 1912 Packard
CO 17
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1965 Nova caixa
Packard 1912 » Carros (Veículos)


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Não sabemos sobre nenhuma avaliação para isso 1912 Packard (#CO 17) de Heller Cadet.


Phil Marchese
This kit has its origin in the Hudson Miniatures kit from Scranton PA USA circa 1954. Hudson Minatures was a pioneer car kit manufacturer in paper, wood and metal of 1/16 antique cars. With the sucess of the Gowland/Revell Highway Pioneers in 1/32 acetate Hudson added 1/32 plastic kits too. Series One had four cars. The Packard initiated Series Two but no others were released. The Five Lil Ol Timers were sold to Revell who issued the five in Great Britian as Highway Pioneers with slight detail improvements and new figures. The five later were sold to Heller who released them unchanged. The Packard ended up in the SMER line with detail and engineerering changes. In its Hudson version it warps usually. The Revell GB is styrene and is beautyful. The SMER is a useful kit for many conversion. The kit is a Model N 18 , a smaller Packard than the Model U 30 from Pyro most noticably smaller in wheelbase and the shorter,unbelted hood.
15 July 2013, 14:38
Hi Phil, you happen to have boxarts of these kits so we can complete the database? would be super duper über cool 🙂
 15 July 2013, 14:39
Phil Marchese
I have both boxes but have trouble posting images from mobile. If you email me I can try via email.
 15 July 2013, 16:16
I can wait until you have full connection... ps: if you use mobile there is also
 15 July 2013, 16:17
Phil Marchese
These are all now posted in at least one version from each of the four manufacturers: HM; Revell; Heller; SMER.
 8 February 2014, 18:13